All Scripts
Displaying 1 - 10 of 839 scripts
Hide Sections
Myspace Scripts ·
By seancwatson
Various codes that allow you to hide almost anything.
Hide Music Player
Myspace Scripts ·
Hides the MySpace music player and it will actually play the music!
Small default.
Myspace Scripts ·
By RissyMel
Makes your profile really small. Play around with the code to make it wider or whatever.
Replace Name Text With Image
Myspace Scripts ·
By ZeroVicious
_Completely_ replace your display name with a picture.
Custom Comment Box
Myspace Scripts ·
By Insurmountable
change width and height, works in all browsers.
Adding a Background to your MySpace
Myspace Scripts ·
By JayJayBabyy
Add a background to your MySpace! Couldnt find this code on CB so I thought I would post it!
Play/Pause button in corner.
Myspace Scripts ·
By imkaylamazing
Hides song, but leaves the play/pause button.
By Script
- Myspace Scripts (637)
- Xanga Scripts (132)
- Javascripts (25)
- HTML & CSS Scripts (45)