About Us
Who we are and what we stand for
Who We Are
CreateBlog.com is a social network for web designers, graphic artists and bloggers coming together to provide everyone with the best blogging resources. Here you can find everything from layout designs for Myspace and other popular social networking sites ("socnet") to tutorials for Photoshop and other popular designing tools. CreateBlog.com is run by volunteers who dedicate their time and efforts to support the website.Click here for our current staff team.
Our Mission
At CreateBlog.com, we strive to bring to you the very best of the socnet communities. Whether you need help on a layout, script, tutorial, or anything else, we're here to help you along the way. We aim to bring to the masses the ability to create visually appealing sites without all the technical requirements. We're here to empower bloggers, one blogger at a time.Best of all, we're a community effort. And we're all about giving.
Our History
CreateBlog.com launched on Christmas Day 2003 as Xangans.com. Xangans.com was the first Xanga community website for layout designs and was largely responsible for the "Xanga revolution" of diverging from the traditional Xanga "look". Xangans.com was later renamed to CreateBlog.com on February 2004 and has since expanded to support all the most popular social networking sites today.Today, CreateBlog.com is the largest and oldest community driven layout design site, empowering over 4 million people every month.
Join Us
From time to time we look for additional staff members to better serve the growing community. To be eligible, you must be an active official member, designer, or promoter. The selection process is very competitive, so your best chance of becoming one is if you've been a consistent and outstanding member who has made a positive impact to the community at large. Announcements are made in the community forums, generally two or three times a year.Special Thanks
This site is made possible by countless members of our community - our admins, head staffs, staff members, and you - by contributing layouts, graphics, scripts and tutorials, lending a hand, and empowering others to become better designers. Without you all, this site would only be a pipedream. Thank you.A heartfelt thank you to our previous and current admins: Seon Ho, Gina, Roxanne, Kathleen, Christina, Mona, Kim, Rebecca, Kiera, Holly, Toya, Christine, Dani and Sarah. This site wouldn't have been possible without you. Thank you for putting up with everything and lending a hand to lead our community!
Special Thanks to Christine for the Latte and Espresso Style. Special thanks to Roxanne for the logo.