All Scripts / Approved by miyashu

Displaying 1 - 10 of 12 scripts

Remove Headline

Myspace Scripts · By Taskig View profile

Has been posted before, but this one also takes away the quotemark that the other one left behind

Hide Side Module In Blog

Myspace Scripts · By brookecaution View profile

This removes the side module with your picture, details, blog subscriptions and archive.

Change the Color of the Interests Table [FIREFOX ONLY]

Myspace Scripts · By jiyong View profile

Change each cell in the Interests table to a different color!

Middle Section With Background

Myspace Scripts · By meeesh View profile

same as my first script, except background image and color are switched. really easy stuff.

Shrink Blog

Myspace Scripts · By wolfreak_99 View profile

Reduces all the extra spacing in the blog section

Justifying Blog Links

Myspace Scripts · By triikbabyy View profile

This code is to justify "view more" links to the right.

Display ONLY the newest comment

Myspace Scripts · By thisismywar View profile

Only show your newest comment no matter how long or short it is.

Transparent Circle

Myspace Scripts · By elrene06 View profile

transparent picture when you hover your pics


Myspace Scripts · By elrene06 View profile

wave effect when you hover over any picture


Myspace Scripts · By elrene06 View profile

emboss pictures when hovered