All Scripts / jamraliii07's favorites

Displaying 1 - 10 of 70 scripts

Adding Banner Underneath Navigation

Myspace Scripts · By YDG View profile

Adds a top banner below navigation

Move Mood text & icon

Myspace Scripts · By jessicasummerlea View profile

does what the title says :) move your mood anywhere :)

move extended network text ANYWHERE.

Myspace Scripts · By jessicasummerlea View profile

move extended network anywhere on your profile.

a scrollbox with an image on the side

Myspace Scripts · By metalxfirexfaith View profile

Exactly what the title says. For 1.0

Change Height of Tables

Myspace Scripts · By freetimes View profile

makes your tables thin; gets rid of some extra useless space

Hide Orange Bars and Text

Myspace Scripts · By thisismywar View profile

Hide those ugly orange bars and orange texts

Add Extra Interests Colums

Myspace Scripts · By BurgerKing316 View profile

this allows you to add an extra column to the topics you want (i.e. general, music, etc.)

Move the Latest Blogs and the Contact Table Around

Myspace Scripts · By wolfreak_99 View profile

gives that impression as if you own a 2.0 account or something

Display Name and Status/URL/Headline in navbar

Myspace Scripts · By wolfreak_99 View profile

Adds your Display name and Status/URL/Headline in navbar!

Contact Buttons

Myspace Scripts · By anhixox View profile

Most of the contact table options (plus a little more) all in an organized array of cute buttons!