All Scripts / ironicboredom's favorites

Displaying 1 - 10 of 12 scripts

Fieldset Comment Box

Myspace Scripts · By anhixox View profile

A comment box within a fieldset box... woah.

Overline Say waaahhttt?

Myspace Scripts · By Adiman View profile

Everybody's heard of UNDERLINE, how 'bout OVERLINE?


Myspace Scripts · By twodreamlovers View profile

changes the cursor

Hide Myspace URL

Myspace Scripts · By twodreamlovers View profile

hides the myspace url table completely

Change NAVY BLUE Background to Any Color

Myspace Scripts · By elrene06 View profile

change the navy blue background to any colro you want

Tables Switched Sides

Myspace Scripts · By lovescream View profile

Make your tables switch sides.

Hide Orange Bars and Text

Myspace Scripts · By thisismywar View profile

Hide those ugly orange bars and orange texts

Hide MySpace Sections (Quick and Clean)

Myspace Scripts · By xoxozzzoxox View profile

Place code anywhere, but preferably in About Me or Who I'd Like To Meet.

Additional Interests Section

Myspace Scripts · By Loudsur13 View profile

Adds an additional section to your Interests table.

Change the Color of the Interests Table [FIREFOX ONLY]

Myspace Scripts · By jiyong View profile

Change each cell in the Interests table to a different color!