All Scripts / tokyo-rose's favorites

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 scripts

Entire Right Side Layout Scrolls!!

Myspace Scripts · By PeRRiiN View profile

um..entire right side layout scrolls?...

Comments: customize DIV.CFOOTER

Xanga Scripts · By heyyfrankie View profile

Don't like how your comments look? This will help you customize them.

Hide Contact Table

Myspace Scripts · By HelloSunshine View profile

This script hides your contact table.

Hide Sections

Myspace Scripts · By seancwatson View profile

Various codes that allow you to hide almost anything.

Hide Comments

Myspace Scripts · By xprobablecausex View profile

New code to hide your comments.

Hide View All Comments Link

Myspace Scripts · By Insurmountable View profile

hides view all comments link

Hide Comments; Keep Friend Space / Links

Myspace Scripts · By laurelbreakdown View profile

Hide your Comments but keep your top friends and all the links!

Comment Images Enabler

Xanga Scripts · By s_marquez View profile

To use image tags in comments.