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hey nice but can anyone plz help me i have this layouts ace-layouts/35292-chut-up n i cant seem to chnage the comments font color i tried just about everything i change the whole layout n everything if u guys can plz help me wit it cuz i just want teh comments a different color so it can be displayed on my layouts plz
I've tried using this when trying to redo my friends profiles;
if you have a code to hide your music player
it won't work.
have myspace music profle
does still work ?
If a code does not work it CAN mean you have conflicting codes... It worked for me but the comments were in a funny spot.
It didn't work :-( Are there any similar codes that will allow the comments to be displayed instead of hidden?.. Thank you in advance.
It worked for me. If it doesn't work for you, ctrl+F "comment" on your edit profile page and remove any html that disables comment viewing.
How do I make it have the comments and friends in a div?
I can't get it to work.
guys remember to set the z-index to something higher than your back image....otherwise you'll see nothing. The script works great. Also, remeber to position it w/ the top and left options.
Awesome code. helped me alot.