Myspace Scripts / Tagged with "div"
Displaying 1 - 10 of 17 scripts
Unclickable Profile | Myspace 2.0
Myspace Scripts · By lesterkyle
This was a request from someone. I don't know why you would want to use it but if you wish to have nothing on your profile clickable then use this code.
Hide Status Mobile | Myspace 2.0
Myspace Scripts · By lesterkyle
This keeps your status but hides where it says you uploaded it from mobile.
Move Upcoming Shows Table
Myspace Scripts · By innerdemon25
This code will allow you to move the a bands page "upcoming shows" table into a div, and place it where ever you want.THIS CODE IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IE(INTERNET EXPLORER)
Custom Bottom Picture | Myspace 2.0
Myspace Scripts · By lesterkyle
This code will allow you to add a custom picture right above your bottom links on myspace 2.0.
Perfect Div Alignment
Myspace Scripts · By kowkiller
Aligns a div perfectly according to the center.
MySpace Playlist Div
Myspace Scripts · By wolfreak_99
shrink the myspace playlist, or add the playlist to other sites!
Video Slider (for divs and manual insert)
Myspace Scripts · By wolfreak_99
the MySpace video slider in an embeddable style.
Speech Bubble Blurbs Section (:
Myspace Scripts · By imperfectionistx
Add a speech bubble w/ your picture to your About Me!
Nothing on the Profile (NAV HIDDEN)
Myspace Scripts · By Jghelfi
This is the same as my other one, only it hides the NAV
By Script
- Myspace Scripts (637)
- Xanga Scripts (132)
- Javascripts (25)
- HTML & CSS Scripts (45)