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post Nov 16 2005, 05:23 PM
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Welcome to the Writers Hall of Fame on CB happy.gif
Thanks to everyone that participated in voting, and a special thanks to the people who submitted entries.

Creative Writing Contest # 2
Voting Thread for Contest # 2

(FEB 15th, 2006 - MAR 30th, 2006)

"He was ambitious even in his earliest years. It was plain for everyone to see – he was the little four year-old with an insatiable desire to differ – to understand the norms and mores of those around him and to vary accordingly. It was indelibly written in his determined, grungy little face with bulldog certainty. He was born into a town of scarcely fifty people and they called it Genuine, Arkansas – the “home of good morals and good steak,” as the sign at the city’s entrance proudly proclaimed. To the residents of this relatively unimportant hole in the wall, his ambition carried the most positive of connotations. It was a godsend; a characteristic that, for decades, was undeniably absent in an area so desiccated of any attention whatsoever.

As he aged, the moon grew dimmer and dimmer, until one evening it seemed as though he’d lost that spectral incandescence forever. The moon had always been dear to him, for it was that beautiful sphere in the sky that never forgot to send an ethereal, gentle glint of light through his window – it never ceased to send a beam of heavenly white to paint the portrait of his mother in the unfriendly darkness of his room. It was the smallest picture of her, and the only one he had, but it rested on his desk every evening waiting for the moon to breathe verve into it; waiting for its chance to be seen. He wished so often, resting his head on a soaked pillow, amidst tears and uneasy slumber, that his mother had survived that crash – that his father’s judgment wasn’t clouded by vodka and tonic.

He loved his father, but to no avail. The arid summer heat wafted unscathed through the usually breezy evenings the night the moon burned out like an overused light bulb. Abashed by the sound of a cracking door, he knew what was happening. His father, after several failed attempts, barreled through it with drunken ease.
“You’re gonna’ get it tonight, you ungrateful little shit,” his father said.

His father’s breath was hot and putrid, paralleling his ugly personality. As his father staggered toward his bed in an alcohol-induced rage, the young man caught a glimpse of his mother’s smiling face, happy and warm from its lunar bath. For her, for everything he couldn’t remember from his time with her, for every aching tear that plunged to his pillow in importunate fashion, he scrambled for the closest and sharpest object in sight. The scissors pierced his father’s neck with ineffable tenacity. His father’s eyes widened and his noise silenced – he was frozen in immediate pensive sobriety, as if he was observing the calm before the storm. For the first time ever, the moon did not shine, for it had, it would be shining upon the face of an unworthy murderer – his father’s.

He went on a long walk that evening to places he and his mother used to go: to a familiar lake, to a gazebo in the town square, to the boat docks. And as he let his legs dangle over the water and he tossed pebbles onto its surface, his mother screwed in a new light bulb and that illusive, striking moon made a most welcome return. Sighs of relief, sounds of small pebbles splashing, and existentialism floated into the air of a once again breezy, illuminated evening in Genuine, Arkansas."

Tuesday July 11th in the fashion district of New York City, a single light glowed through the window of thick glass on the 8th floor of the Landis Building. Elise Riley looked up from her work table at the loud thud of a door slamming somewhere far off in the building. She was working late on new designs to present to her boss, Jeannine, for the Ellis-Ashton fall line. Aubrey Ellis-Ashton, the head of the company, was looking for a new look to walk the runway. While nervous, Elise was also cool headed, she knew that her designs stood a fighting chance. They did, however, need some work. She looked up at the clock and read it as 10:30 PM. She cupped her neck, rubbing it as tiredly as any one would after having craned it many times throughout the day to examine such artistry as done in the Landis Building, and again lowered her eyes to continue her work.

An hour later, the guard, Marco, came upstairs and said, "Ms. Riley, we've got special orders from the boss to lock it up." His face held an expression of genuine concern as he looked over her. "You really shouldn't stay so late, it's dangerous to be out in the city at night." Elise smiled and nodded, sliding her sketches into her briefcase, meticulously putting away her pencils. "I know, but there's so much work I need to do. I'll probably be here this late for the next two weeks. Jeannine really thinks I'll get this, but why does she want everyone out?" Marco shrugged and waited. She stood, tucking loose clumps of chocolate brown hair behind her ears, then pushing her chair in, and flicking off her lamp. She walked past Marco at the door and accepted gratefully when he offered to walk her out to her car.

The next day everyone was buzzing about the news. "Jeannine got the Lynda Merle job." Elise smiled and nodded, and continued to work on her designs. She wasn't sad about Merle. She'd been working with a partner and it hadn't gone well; they'd argued constantly. She hadn't even gone to the presentation; she'd been sick and the day before they were scheduled to present their designs her partner, Elena, had been fired for some sort of conflict with one of the bosses. Elise didn't know which one. It didn't seem to matter. She was happy for Jeannine. She left the building that night with a feeling about what she wanted to do. As she walked out to her car the seven o'clock moon seemed have a glow that mirrored the way she felt. She was focused on the Ellis-Ashton prize.

Two weeks later in the midday light, during every one's lunch break. Elise was downstairs selecting fabrics. In her absence, someone slipped into Elise's work space and started rummaging through her papers. Camouflaged beneath folders and two sets of heavy scissors, she found the designs that would win the Ellis-Ashton presentation. Slipping a camera out of her jacket pocket, she photographed Elise's designs and then put them back into her desk drawer. She turned and walked back down the isle toward the elevator to go get some food. Her jacket folded over her arm, she turned a corner and was sent backward. Looking up she realized she'd run into Marco the guard. "Hello Ms. Jeannine." "Hello…" She couldn't remember his name; she didn't care. "Help me up, please." "Yes, Ms. Jeannine."

The next day, Elise got her models dressed and sent them up the elevator to runway floor and had them go behind the wall to wait until they were called. She sat down, beaming in confidence with the other designers and waited for the representative from Ellis-Ashton to arrive. Little did she know that the dream she had was about to be nipped in the butt. Or so it would seem, anyway. At two o'clock, when Jeannine's model got off the elevator stationed behind the wall, Elise's model, Clara took one look the girl's clothes and decided that she had better tell Elise. But there was no way she could get to Elise without causing a ton of ruckus. A model's job was to do as she was told to do and look pretty doing it. So, she tried to send one of the makeup artists out to find her, but there was no time. "The rep is here. Get in line ladies."



What does beauty mean?
To have perfect lips and flawless skin?
Is it really necessary to be thin?
Isnt beauty found deep within?

Let me tell you my defination of beauty
She must have her own principles
Not be swayed by uncertainty
Not feel like she is someone helpless

She is so beautiful to me, cant you see
I am attracted to her unique quality
She never fails to make me glee
She is just filled with humility

Just like a flower blooming in spring
Will I ever find the courage to give her this ring?


Beautiful Happiness

Oh, how wonderful
How wonderful you make me feel
I might not be a poet who's words are beautiful
But the beauty of you is quite an ordeal

You remind me of the sun
Enlightening those too blind to see
That the beauty of life is it's fun
Because of you, beautiful happiness is my esprit

A friend, a soul mate
To you I turn to
This beautiful partnership must be fate
With you, I will never be through

Your love as fulfilling as ending a horrible strife
Brings to me, a beautiful happy life.

Congrats to all the winners! I will PM you with your winners buttons soon! happy.gif
Every entry was voted for atleast 3 times in the creative contest! I was really happy about that :) The next contest coming soon!


Creative Writing Contest # 1
Voting Thread for Contest # 1

(OCT 24th, 2005 - NOV 14th, 2005)


"In the whirlwind of events that happens every day, only the most trustworthy can be recorded in this journal. The beautiful tale of mystery, romance and chaos ensues, lucky reader..."


"in this point of time sins and demons are everywere, doing unholy things every min. all this death cause people feel like it as they dont care for the victim's lives. everywere in this steel sorrounding filled with the smell of metal, gun smoke, and blood with the sounds of the gun's thunder, screams, and cries for mercy."

WINNER FOR MINI-CONTEST # 1 - Azn_at_heart
growing up and seeing the truth

everday lesson learned and day that passed i become more complex
i wonder what is the very important lesson i will learn next
as i learned a while ago....the only i had considered as a dove
now this i found that it was her attituded that i had lothe
see had always made fun and taunt me
i was too blind to even see
as i grew i wondered "y should i be a stereotype"
since then i try to become more diffrent everyday with all my might
though my outside and inside grown very much, with new lessons made
but still as a kid i was very mature and that still stayed

Congratulations! Winners should be PM'd with a winners button soon!
Thanks to everyone that participated! (Just to let everyone know, everyone got voted for in the contest!) That's good happy.gif

This post has been edited by KissMe2408: Mar 31 2006, 04:03 PM
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post Dec 1 2005, 02:03 AM
Post #2


Group: Staff Alumni
Posts: 9,530
Joined: Nov 2004
Member No: 65,772

^lol it's coming soon. I'm still working on it and trying to get a research paper done at the same time. But it's coming along! don't worry :)

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