Creating A Collage :D

Photoshop Tutorials


Click on thumbnailed images to enlarge

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Hi.We'll be making something like this :)

Understand, this tutorial requires ALOT of basic placement knowledge. Know where to place images, and know where not too.

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Okay. First off, take the images you want to use.

I STRONLY recommend, you use image of the same sort/category. Yadig?

Now, open up a 700-900 pixel canvas.

Now, go to file > open > and choose your image. Press CTRL + A, then CTRL + C, and exit that image you opened.

Now, paste it onto the blank vanvas you opened. Paste your image anywhere you would like, in the middle, top left, bottom right, ect. (Make sure your image is 1/8 the size of your canvas)

Now, get some sort gruny brushed shape, and use the eraser tool. Depending on where you placed your image, start erasing around the edges of the image, to a oval/circular pattern.

So far: (thumbed)

Okay. Now, get your other images, and do the same with them. Place your images into different angles, and erase them continually, into the shape of an oval, or a circle.
(View my progression below)

Not quite what you were expecting huh?
We're not done!

After you have finished making your collage, go up to Filter> Sharpen> Sharpen, to give the collage that collage-y touch.

Okay, now. When you have all your images placed, and all done in once college, its time to do the fun stuff!

Make a new layer JUST ABOVE YOUR BACKGROUND LAYER (first layer)

You can now add whatever brushes you would like to the collage.

You can add colorize layers, and add anything you want.


Any questions, PM me! :)

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 10 of 32 comments

This is cute. The blending could be a bit better in certain areas but it is a good tutorial.

By aimegracen on May 26, 2009 7:30 pm

I love this! where did you get the brushes? Particularly the one on the top right corner?

By HelloSunshine on May 25, 2009 3:29 am

images got deleted.

By xii3 on May 24, 2009 6:13 pm

hi could u reupload the two pic i want to see how u do n want to learn :D thnx

By x13abiez on Dec 12, 2008 12:11 am

COOL (: but wats the font u used for "christina"?

By Irapii-xP on Sep 8, 2008 9:06 pm

wow this is awesome!! thank you!

By missk on Jul 27, 2008 11:03 am

use the eraser tool to erase pixels, so they can be transparent.

By IBangBaby on Jun 3, 2008 10:56 pm do you make it look all blended in?
like you can pile pictures on top of each other but they look blended in.

By pnaigirl13 on Jun 3, 2008 9:38 pm

This is so cool.

By kara247 on May 24, 2008 8:27 pm

It's beautiful! =]

By Nijnebeest on May 7, 2008 3:07 pm
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Tutorial Details

Author IBangBaby View profile
Submitted on Oct 11, 2007
Page views 32,957
Favorites 244
Comments 32
Reviewer IVIike View profile
Approved on Oct 11, 2007

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