How To Give A Photo A Worn-Out Effect

Photoshop Tutorials


Click on thumbnailed images to enlarge

1) Open the picture that you want to apply a worn out look to. I'll be using this:

2) Create a new layer and name it GRUNGE.

3) Set the foreground color to black and the background to white. You can do this by pressing D on your keyboard.

4) Go up to Filter-->Render-->Clouds. Press Ok.

5) Now add noise by going up to Filter-->Noise-->Add Noise. Use these settings:

6) Go up to Filter-->Stylize-->Emboss. Use these settings:

7) Now go up to Filter-->Distort-->Diffuse Glow and use these settings:

8) Duplicate the GRUNGE layer (right click on it and press Duplicate Layer). On the copy apply a Palette Knife filter (Filter-->Artistic-->Palette Knife) and use these settings:

9) Change the opacity of the GRUNGE copy to 75% (it's in the layer palette on the side). Now merge the GRUNGE copy with the original GRUNGE layer. You can do this by pressing CTRL + E (on Windows) or CMD + E (on Mac).

10) Now we're going to pick random areas to apply the worn out texture. With the GRUNGE layer active, go to Select-->Color Range. Select the Highlights option from the drop down menu and press Ok.

11) With your selection still active, create a new layer by going to Layer-->New Layer and name it VINTAGE TEXTURE, now hide the GRUNGE layer (click the eye so it's not there anymore). Take your brush and fill the selections (that we did previously) with R:255 G:254 B:203 (happens to be the same yellow on the poster). You can make this selection with the R G and B by double clicking on the foreground color.

12) Add a layer mask to your VINTAGE TEXTURE. Go to Layer-->Layer Mask-->Reveal All. Set the foreground color to R:182 G:182 B:182 and the background color to white.

13) Click once on the layer mask to make it active and apply the Clouds filter (Filter-->Render-->Clouds) to it.

---* You're now finished, now you should have something somewhat like this:

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 6 of 6 comments


By viccious on Mar 18, 2011 5:28 pm

The settings for step 7 is missing. ):

By DrkAngl91 on Mar 12, 2008 2:34 pm

I don't get Step 12 and after that.
Help Please.

By diana170 on Oct 21, 2007 9:13 pm

Thanks so much:)

By kelseychannn on Oct 13, 2007 4:27 pm

Fixed. :]

By TheOn3LeftBehind on Oct 12, 2007 7:16 pm

Oh sorry, thirteen is right there but it's right next to the wording. I'll fix it!

By TheOn3LeftBehind on Oct 12, 2007 7:15 pm

Tutorial Details

Author TheOn3LeftBehind View profile
Submitted on Oct 8, 2007
Page views 50,870
Favorites 114
Comments 6
Reviewer IVIike View profile
Approved on Oct 9, 2007

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