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this tutorial is pretty simple- i'm gonna show you how to make it seem like you outlined the border of something in pencil! if you just want to outline the border, skip steps 2 & 3 =)

step 1: open up the image you want to use-i'm using fredrik ljungberg
User posted image

step 2: copy the whole image (ctrl+A then ctrl+C) then open a new document (ctrl+N) and paste it (ctrl+V). make sure the background is transparent.

step 3: it might help to expand the canvas. go to Image>>Canvas Size (or press Alt+Ctrl+C) and expand it however much. then use the eraser tool to erase around the areas you dont want to keep.
User posted image

step 4: select your pencil tool by pressing shift + B. there should be a pencil in place of where your brush was. make sure the size is 1 px & whatever color you want.

step 5: now outline it over and over, its ok for it to look a bit messy. it might help to zoom in. and don't be afraid of the undo button (or ctrl+Z). when you're done, simply crop it to the size you want =)
and tada!
mine isn't that good, i was feeling a bit too lazy to keep outlining it ^^;; oh! and don't forget to save it as a transparency =)
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Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 2 of 2 comments

I think it looks cool.
Great job!!

By Z0MGsz on Nov 28, 2008 6:19 pm


By cupcakeXlyts on Jul 27, 2008 12:25 pm

Tutorial Details

Author xchrystizzle View profile
Submitted on Feb 10, 2006
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