Norman Reedus Icon Coloring

Photoshop Tutorials


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First off, to follow this tutorial, you should choose a dark, redish image. Those tend to work best with this coloring.

Here are some good examples:

Here are some not so good examples:

Alright, let's go! Choose your image and open it in photoshop. This is mine.

Then, crop it down to a 100x100px icon. (Hint: if you hold down the shift key while cropping an image, it will keep the crop as a perfect square with all even sides!)

Create a new layer and fill it with EE2592. Set this to Lighten @ 6%.

Next, duplicate your base layer, drag it above the new layer that we just made in the last step, and set it to Soft Light @ 26%.

Create a new layer and fill it with FEEED3. Set it to Multiply @ 100%.

Create a new layer and fill it with FF00A2. Set it to Exclusion @ 10%.

Create a new layer and fill it with 467D8E. Set it to Color Dodge @ 100%. (This is the step that makes most pictures look awful! But if you lower the opacity of this layer, it might not look so bad. It will just look very different from my result.)

Create a new layer and select a soft 100px (or any size for that matter) brush. Use the color 5F5F5E and paint a blob on the picture. Set this layer to Screen @ 53%.

Create a new layer and use a radial gradient going from white to black. Set this layer to Color Burn @ 100%.

Next, import this texture into your icon.

Place it where you want it and set this layer to Lighten @ 100%.

Finally, create a Selective Coloring Layer (Layer- New Adjustment Layer- Selective Color).

Enter the following data:

Cyan 0
Magenta -1
Yellow +12
Black -7

Cyan +2
Magenta -9
Yellow +18
Black +39

Cyan -14
Magenta +7
Yellow +9
Black 0

Set this layer to Normal @ 80%.

And done! Yay!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Or if you follow along and make your own icon, feel free to share a link! :]

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 1 of 1 comments

so cool~~
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By Alisa1209 on Mar 5, 2012 3:24 am

Tutorial Details

Author xchangminniex View profile
Submitted on Jan 16, 2012
Page views 7,870
Favorites 2
Comments 1
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Jan 23, 2012

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