
Click on thumbnailed images to enlarge

This is my very first tutorial, so feedback is encouraged! Good or bad, I can handle it =)

Now on with the tutorial!!

STEP 001: Open your base photo!
I chose this picture of the beautiful Lindsay Lohan

I always sharpen my images before I edit them, specifically around the eyes and lips.

STEP 002: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance
Use these specifications.
MIDTONES +100, +36, +100
SHADOWS 0, 0, +25
HIGHLIGHTS +35, 0, 0

Set that layer to "Color"

STEP 003: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves
Use these specifications.

Set that layer to "Lighten"

STEP 004: Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color
Use a49d79 and set to 'Overlay' 100%

STEP 005: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance
Use these specifications.
MIDTONES -100, +100, +64
SHADOWS -39, -30, -48
HIGHLIGHTS +18, -23, +8

Set this layer to 'Color'

And Voila! You are finished =)

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 1 of 1 comments

looks cute.

By creole on Feb 19, 2010 6:02 pm

Tutorial Details

Author paisleyinthesky View profile
Submitted on Feb 15, 2010
Page views 6,053
Favorites 15
Comments 1
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Feb 16, 2010

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