Vintage Effect (comments)

Displaying 1 - 20 of 21 comments

:) cool

Posted by charityx4 on Jun 13, 10 6:08 am

make a new layer.

Posted by digitalivory on Nov 28, 08 12:08 pm

would not work for me at i make a new layer or a duplicated layer

Posted by Rayianca on Nov 28, 08 2:28 am

shuaww !
this is cool(:

Posted by tahraun23 on Nov 18, 08 5:00 pm

Nice tutorial :D

Posted by Mintyyy on Aug 13, 08 5:45 pm

this did not work for me at all i dont get why am i supposed to make a new layer of the picture or what???

Posted by SmexiiKitty on Aug 5, 08 10:59 am

what program should I be using to edit this?

Posted by englishpickle on Aug 1, 08 10:43 pm

mm, thanks again! overlay works fantastic! (: it changes the effect some but i like it.

Posted by digitalivory on Jul 11, 08 8:22 pm

for my picture when everythings done it looked good if i duplicated the bottom layer movied it to the top and set it to overlay :)

Posted by deniseee on Jul 11, 08 6:33 pm

163e3 is the fill colour for the Exclusion layer. does that help?

Posted by digitalivory on Jul 1, 08 6:21 pm

where will i put this 163e3e can somebody answer me

Posted by chinita02 on Jul 1, 08 1:52 am


Posted by chinita02 on Jun 30, 08 6:24 am

okay, i feel horrible that i messed this up. freetimes is right! if you lower the exclusion to about 50% (worked on my photo) it looks less green. THANK YOU FREETIMES! you tis da bomb right now, lol. also, if you need somthing not so green try 8a2653 or 8a5526 in the colour dodge. hope this helps!

another thing i did....Exclusion, 163e3e, 49%; then Colour Dodge, 268a3e, 40%; and one more layer that had this: Overlay, af9f9f, 100%

once again, super sorry.

Posted by digitalivory on Jun 28, 08 10:46 pm


Posted by JRock-Layouts-and-Graphics on Jun 28, 08 9:39 pm

its nice but a little to bright for me!

Posted by retromunky on Jun 28, 08 1:14 pm

lower as in lower the opacity

Posted by freetimes on Jun 25, 08 7:40 pm

lower the exclusion layer and it will look better i bet

Posted by freetimes on Jun 25, 08 7:40 pm

yeah, it is really green. so like i said, i don't really like it on all photos. ):

Posted by digitalivory on Jun 24, 08 7:13 pm

It's pretty good. But yeah-a bit green and lightishh.
;) But very nice effects.

Posted by fatmonsterx on Jun 24, 08 6:03 pm

Oo, this is more simple than the vintage effects I do. (: I like this!

Posted by robinneboo on Jun 24, 08 4:39 pm

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Tutorial Details

Designer digitalivory View profile
Submitted on Jun 23, 2008
Page views 31549
Favorites 79
Comments 21
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Jun 23, 2008