Youtube On Top & Hide Control Bar (2.0) Updated 22/08/2010

Myspace Scripts

Author's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

Follow my simple instructions
* for Profile 2.0 only..
* only works in Firefox..
* don't put the codes to "About Me"
* change YOUTUBE URL to youtube embed url exp:
* youtube control bar just hide at back leaderboard (advertisement)
* if want to change the size, color, you need to fix it..
* totally this script doesn't same with my profile..
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Copy and paste to About Me


Script Comments

Showing latest 7 of 7 comments

I could like change the background of my blog thanks

By RAINMAN72 on Oct 25, 2010 5:50 pm

I'm sketchy about fiddling with anything around those Ad banners. don't wanna get ma deleted. I'm just a scaredycat.

By Butterface89 on Jul 25, 2010 10:52 am

what is the code for hide the control bar ?

By Ziq on Jul 3, 2010 2:09 pm

height=433 width=730, because header profile i make it small than ori..

By Nizam on Jun 15, 2010 6:08 pm

what size is the video on the example above?

By iDorien on Jun 15, 2010 4:55 am

Maybe you have put wrong url of that video. Remember, dont use url youtube page but must take out the url from embed box. About the weird blue box you must fix it by your own.. Btw, thanks for try using this script.

By Nizam on Jun 9, 2010 5:58 pm

I am having difficulty with this code. I added the first code to the general section of my edit profile. Then, I added the other two codes in the CSS section of my customize profile section. I made sure I had added the URL of youtube video. But when I save everything and view my profile, the video is not present, leaving a blank open space on top and a weird blue box in the upper left corner where the video should be. Please help me figure this out if you can. Thanks in advance! (:

By RoxxyBabe on Jun 7, 2010 7:06 pm

Script Details

Author Nizam View profile
Submitted on May 24, 2010
Page views 19,278
Favorites 14
Comments 7
Reviewer Cum View profile
Approved on Jun 6, 2010

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