Extract elements from flash in an easy way

Flash Tutorials


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I like flash, but I don’t know how to make a flash by myself. Sometimes I found music nice in one flash, but it was difficult for me to recognize it. Now this problem disappears. With Yuzhe Flash Decompiler, I can extract it easily. And to know how many elements and which elements in one flash is also simple for me.
Now let’s see how to use this tool.

What you need:
Yuzhe Flash Decompiler

Following ways help you to decompile a .swf file:
1. Open a *.swf file, and the related items of the flash movie will be listed in the resource panel.
2. Or you can click "Home->Parse Movie", and Yuzhe Flash Movie will automatically analyze the movie for you.

After clicking Parse Movie, resource will be displayed in Display window.

After decompiling a SWF file, you can export these items to your computer and reuse these items in your flash. For creating flash, you can also use other products, such as Yuzhe Easy Motion and Yuzhe Cool Motion.

And following steps teach you how to export resource:
1. Open a SWF file and it will be shown in the Preview window. On the right side of Yuzhe Flash Decompiler, the elements of the flash file will be listed. By default, these elements are divided into: Shape, Image, Sound, Font, Text, Sprite, Button and Frame.

Preview Window

Elements of the flash file will be listed in this window.

2. Click the button to expand the folder.
3.Check the square in the front of the elements which you wish to export.

1.Click "Formats", and you can set the export formats of the resource, including image, text, sound, video and actionscript.

2.Click "Extract SWF Objects" and choose the export path.
For more formats of the export resources, click here.

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Author ameliachen View profile
Submitted on Oct 21, 2010
Page views 5,198
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Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Nov 14, 2010

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