Author's Comments
Look carefully for specific instructions
- Single changing Play/Pause button
- Stop button
- Forward and Back buttons
- Able to play whole playlist continuously (changes songs automaticly)
- Shuffle (not just first song) and shuffle on/off button
- Add track numbers to song titles automaticly
Adding Music
<option value="4">Artist Name - Song Title</option>
songs[4]="SONG URL HERE";
These are the two lines you need to make duplicates of to add new song beyond 5 songs. You'll find them in the code. Make sure to increment the "value" and also "song" number as you add more music. Finally make sure the option discription and songs URL with the same number corrispond to the same song.
You can change default values for autostart, shuffling, and also if the tracks are numbered in the "Changeable Stuff" section which should be easy to spot and understand.
I've noticed a small bug with the track numbering in that after the numbers are added, the box becomes slightly too small for the largest description. This problem seems to only happen in xanga though... and does not occure when I test in dream weaver.
Also I've Implemented the PlayList JukeBox using Windows Media Player 10.
You can put this code into your Custom Header or your Web Site Stats.
Hope everyone enjoys this!
- Single changing Play/Pause button
- Stop button
- Forward and Back buttons
- Able to play whole playlist continuously (changes songs automaticly)
- Shuffle (not just first song) and shuffle on/off button
- Add track numbers to song titles automaticly
Adding Music
<option value="4">Artist Name - Song Title</option>
songs[4]="SONG URL HERE";
These are the two lines you need to make duplicates of to add new song beyond 5 songs. You'll find them in the code. Make sure to increment the "value" and also "song" number as you add more music. Finally make sure the option discription and songs URL with the same number corrispond to the same song.
You can change default values for autostart, shuffling, and also if the tracks are numbered in the "Changeable Stuff" section which should be easy to spot and understand.
I've noticed a small bug with the track numbering in that after the numbers are added, the box becomes slightly too small for the largest description. This problem seems to only happen in xanga though... and does not occure when I test in dream weaver.
Also I've Implemented the PlayList JukeBox using Windows Media Player 10.
You can put this code into your Custom Header or your Web Site Stats.
Hope everyone enjoys this!
Script Comments
Showing latest 2 of 2 comments
script will not will not will not change songs
it will notshuffle....its deader then a door knob
need help please
By edyearl on Apr 9, 2011 1:31 pm
How come it doesn't "Able to play whole playlist continuously (changes songs automaticly) "???
By winspaz on Jun 9, 2007 11:56 am