Hide Left Module (Options Given)

Xanga Scripts

Author's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

O1. please do not jock/steal/redistribute

i've actually gave you guys some options to which part of the left module you want to hide.

so if you only want to remove the profile image, delete everything there except "style type=text/css", ".left img{display:none;}", and "/style"

i hope this helps. if there are other ones you want to remove, just PM me.


(tested for IE and FF)

P.S. if you need more info, go to my reply at http://www.createblog.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=193039

Script Code

Copy and paste to Header HTML


Script Comments

Showing latest 4 of 4 comments

Hey, I was just wondering how to show ONLY my profile picture? You gave instructions how to remove only the profile image, but what if that is the only part of the left module I want to keep? I'm usually okay with moving around HTML codes to fit my style, but I can't seem to figure this one out. Thanks :)

By ellienovember on Aug 27, 2009 10:58 pm

what do you mean by tags?

By twodreamlovers on Apr 21, 2009 8:49 pm

i'd like to remove my tags

By xoutkastx3 on Apr 21, 2009 12:47 pm

how do i make a link to my post archive.

By BabySugarCandyGirl on May 15, 2008 3:49 am

Script Details

Author twodreamlovers View profile
Submitted on Dec 29, 2007
Page views 23,852
Favorites 7
Comments 4
Reviewer themarkster View profile
Approved on Dec 31, 2007