(The Ultimate) Sacrifice

Xanga Layouts / Advance

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Designer's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

Layout is compatible in most browsers, though I've only checked in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari.

- Suggested you copy and paste into an empty document first before you edit things.
- Change where it says "USERNAME" to your xanga username.
- Edit everything else as you please :]

This is the first time I've used more than 2 images in the layout image, and also the first time I've aimed for a grungey texture and actually applied it. My overall impression of the image is only satisfactory, but I guess this can be used as the first step in the learning process, and I'll definitely improve.

I didn't use any external resources for brushes or textures. All images used were manga scans, which I'm typically horrible at using.

The broken image link is for you to put your own image.

Using This Layout

For specific instructions read designer's comments

  • 1. Disable Xanga themes (edit theme -> uncheck make this your active theme -> save)
  • 2. Log into xanga.com (look & feel)
  • 3. Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v) code to the specified fields

Layout Code

Copy and paste to Header HTML


Layout Comments

Showing latest 6 of 6 comments

I love this, especially since it's Tsubasa inspired :]
Nice job.

By Tsubasakami on Apr 8, 2010 3:59 pm

Very nice. Very nice, indeed.

By emberfly on Apr 6, 2010 9:10 pm

agreed with the others. this is fab :D

By wickedicy on Apr 5, 2010 3:30 am

Nice layout!

By AbsentEmotions on Apr 5, 2010 1:02 am

oh wow,that's some nice texture/brushes you used :O
GOOD JOB!!!..I like the color scheme too.

By Snaily on Apr 3, 2010 11:35 pm

This looks fantastic!! Excellent job!

By Lifrasthir on Apr 3, 2010 5:10 pm

Layout Details

Designer DarkHybridx View profile
Submitted on Apr 2, 2010
Page views 10,096
Favorites 7
Comments 6
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Apr 3, 2010

Layout Colors

Black Brown