Audrey Kitching & Hannah Beth

Website Templates / 2 Columns

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Designer's Comments

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This layout was the first layout for Halo. It was used from 07.01.11 until 08.25.11. The layout features the lovely Audrey Kitching and Hannah Beth. I decided to make this layout available for download because I am so damn proud of it. I just think of it as recycling to someone else for them to use, I'm not greedy. I just ask that if you are going to use this layout, could you be so kind as to leave the credit in the sidebar seeing as that I have already used this very same layout on my personal website. Thank you, I appreciate it. Enjoy the layout!

For more layouts, visit my website at

Layout Code

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Layout Comments

Showing latest 8 of 8 comments

weak sick!!!

By hanjun123 on Nov 9, 2011 3:48 am

Hey my name is Electra and i love your work and i was wondering if your not to busy if you would consider design a div overlay layout for me and i would really appreciate. :)

By suicidezombie on Oct 2, 2011 5:02 pm


By kingissz on Sep 25, 2011 8:47 am

Layout Details

Designer egoraver View profile
Submitted on Sep 1, 2011
Page views 16,053
Favorites 12
Comments 8
Reviewer tokyo-rose View profile
Approved on Sep 2, 2011

Layout Colors

Black Pink White