Designer's Comments

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"Thy Ambiance" Version 1 - Theme: Forest Bliss

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Layout Comments

Showing latest 2 of 2 comments

the words '.Forest Bliss.' aren't in the same place as the screen shot. and the center image doesn't load. i use flock browser.

By AngelsBaby on Nov 13, 2009 11:23 am

The only problem I have is that the fonts look horrible with the layout, I think you could have gone without headers and it would have looked much better. The font is horrible, especially where you put the copyright, use a different font and it would look a lot better. Also do a little something more with the 'My Destiny' table, I don't like the border. I do however love the image. Kudos.

By dilligrout on Dec 24, 2008 3:49 am

Layout Details

Designer res8zenith View profile
Submitted on Dec 19, 2008
Page views 4,668
Favorites 24
Comments 2
Reviewer schizo View profile
Approved on Dec 21, 2008

Layout Colors

Green Grey