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I'm always a bit chagrined when I find a feature in Photoshop that I can't do with PSP, which is what I use 90 percent of the time... but then I'm elated when I find a way around it! This time, it's the pixel stretch.

Note: you can find the PS version [url=http://www.createblog.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=48054]here.[/url]

I'm going to start with a random image. It is 120x120px, and in one instance these original measurements are important, so either use the same size at first or remember what size you used.
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First, you need to expand the canvas in the direction you'd like your stretch. In this example, I want the pixels to stretch to the right. The easiest way (I think) to do this is to go to Image >> add borders and add 300 pixels to the right side. This gives you a nice sized image to work with.
User posted image
I added a border so you could see how big the image was.

Choose your rectangular selection tool. In the "tool options" toolbar (selection type, mode, feather, etc), there will be a box with little squares on it: custom selection.
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For this image, I would use the following settings:
Top: 0
Left: 118
Bottom: 120
Right: 120
I am going to be stretching pixels to the right, so what I want to do is to pick the last two rows of pixels of the colored part of the image. Setting top to zero and the bottom to 120 selects everything vertically, and the left and right settings select the last two pixels. These measurements will be different for each image size!

Immediately go to Edit >> Copy, and then to Layers >> New Raster layer. Accept the default settings. Go to Edit >> paste >> into selection. What this did was to take those two rows of pixels and bump them up onto a new layer. At this point, you can deselect (selections >> select none).

Choose the deform tool and set to "free transform".
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Now, all you have to do is "grab" the middle handle on the right and drag it straight over towards the right. Be careful: it is really a "free" transform and you have to keep it straight!

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Viola! You're done. Yet another simple Photoshop function you can do in PSP!
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Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 2 of 2 comments

way cool ... thanks for sharing.

By Mami2BoyzKJ on Jan 10, 2009 2:38 pm

coolness. thanks much. ^_^

By fanseesam on Jan 1, 2008 3:06 am

Tutorial Details

Author ChasingLife87 View profile
Submitted on Feb 10, 2006
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Comments 2