trendy rounded edges

Photoshop Tutorials


Click on thumbnailed images to enlarge

1)Open up the pic you want to use. I'll be using this one of the ever so lovely Audrey Hepburn from her movie Breakfast at Tiffanys (watch it dahling, its lovely!)
User posted image

2)Go to select(at the top)>>all. (or press ctrl+A)
User posted image

3)Go to edit>>copy (or press ctrl+C)

4)Then go to File>>new and press ok.You should now have a blank image thats the same size as your audrey pic.

5)Now select your custom shape tool in your left tool box
User posted image

6)At the top next to the word "shape" select the squared shape with the rounded edges.
User posted image

7)Now go back to your blank image,hold down the mouse, and drag starting from the top left corner until you have something like this
User posted image

8)now make a new layer. Layer>>new>>layer

9)You should now have 3 layers, Your background, your shape, and your new blank layer at the top.Select your middle layer (the shape)
User posted image

10)Hold down the Alt key and hover inbetween your shape layer and your new layer until you see two cirles (one on top of the other) and click your mouse.

11)Your new layer should now have a little arrow on the left of it pointing down at your shape layer. This means anything you put into your shape image will be inside your square shape itself.
User posted image

12)Your audrey pic should still be on copy mode so just go back to your shape image and click paste.

13)Go to layer>>flatten image (near the bottom) and voila!
User posted image

Dont hesitate to try other shapes as well-->
User posted image

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 10 of 32 comments

im curious,
how do yuu qet photoshop ?

By gunitlady on Apr 19, 2009 5:05 pm

Wonderful tutorial,,
easy to follow too. (:

By rawrlawlz on Mar 13, 2009 10:10 pm

when i do hte 4 corners there is the white backgrond thingy..

By lilvy01 on Sep 14, 2008 3:54 pm

ooooooooooi love this thank you C:

By lilvy01 on Aug 20, 2008 5:42 pm

great job on the tutorial i thought it was pretty easy to understand

By bittersweetxx on Aug 5, 2008 1:44 pm

Where do you get that shape? I dont have that shape on mine I have CS2

By kaylag on Jun 30, 2008 3:46 am


By JUiCEYFRUiT on Jun 12, 2008 6:32 pm

on number 10)Hold down the Alt key and hover inbetween your shape layer and your new layer until you see two circles i dont see the circles nor the arrow pointing down

By jackiemoon on Mar 11, 2008 12:24 am

on part 10 where it says hold down the alt key and hover inbetween your shape layer and your new layer until you see two circles i dont see the circles nor the arrow thats pointing down

By jackiemoon on Mar 11, 2008 12:23 am

Hey This is a wckd tutoriall btw
i was wondering
how do u resize the fotos ...
like i dnt no which button it is

cud u email me please

any one

pw1nc3ss_p1nkxx@hotmail .com

By pooja187 on Feb 26, 2008 1:29 pm
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Tutorial Details

Author LOVELY GiGi View profile
Submitted on Feb 6, 2007
Page views 74,155
Favorites 292
Comments 32

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