Special Agent Strahm Coloring

Photoshop Tutorials


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Step one, as always, start with a picture.

Crop it, and resize to 100x100.

Create a new layer. Fill it with 242c54. Set it to Exclusion at 55%.

Duplicate the base (background layer). Drag it above the fill layer we just made [a.k.a. to the top of the layer panel] and set it to Darken at 100%.

Create a new Selective Color layer with the following settings:

Cyan -100
Magenta +27
Yellow +35
Black 0

Cyan +100
Magenta 0
Yellow -24
Black 0

Cyan 0
Magenta 0
Yellow 0
Black -44

Cyan +1
Magenta 0
Yellow -6
Black 0

Cyan 0
Magenta 0
Yellow 0
Black +23

Now, create a Color Balance layer with the following settings:

Shadows -25 -11 -15
Midtones +23 +6 -14
Highlights -20 -10 +9

Also, make sure that the Preserve Luminosity box is checked.

Next, create a new layer. Fill with 181517. Set to Screen at 100%.

Create a new layer. Fill with Feeffe. Set to Soft Light at 100%.

Create another Selective Color layer with the following info:

Cyan -100
Magenta +15
Yellow +100
Black 0

Cyan -100
Magenta -100
Yellow +100
Black 0

Cyan +100
Magenta +100
Yellow +100
Black +100

Cyan +100
Magenta -100
Yellow +100
Black +100

Create a new layer. Fill with 568299. Set to Soft Light at 100%.

Make a new Selective Color layer with the following settings:

Cyan +15
Magenta +1
Yellow -14
Black 0

Create a Brightness/Contrast layer with the following settings:

Brightness 0
Contrast +16

Create a new layer. Fill it with ff0084. Set it to Exclusion at 10%.


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Tutorial Details

Author xchangminniex View profile
Submitted on Jul 12, 2012
Page views 5,067
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Reviewer Mickey View profile
Approved on May 26, 2013