Sweeney Todd Icon Coloring

Photoshop Tutorials


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I have recently fallen in love with Sweeney Todd, so I decided to make a coloring tutorial to go along with my new found obsession.

So start with a cool picture.

Then crop it to whatever image you want and resize it to 100x100.

Create a new layer. Fill it with 3d2424. Set that layer to Exclusion at 10%.

Create a new layer. Fill it with fd00bf. Set that layer to Exclusion at 10% as well.

Select Layer- New Adjustment Layer- Selective Color.

Enter the following information:

Cyan -21
Magenta +8
Yellow +7
Black -8

Select Layer- New Adjustment Layer- Selective Color.

Enter the following information:

Cyan +11
Magenta -29
Yellow +12
Black -14

Cyan +26
Magenta -12
Yellow +16
Black +1

Select Layer- New Adjustment Layer- Selective Color.

Enter the following information:

Cyan 0
Magenta 0
Yellow -9
Black 0

Cyan -19
Magenta +9
Yellow 0
Black 0

Select Layer- New Adjustment Layer- Brightness/Contrast.

Enter the following information:

Brightness 0
Contrast +9

(If you amp up the Brightness/Contrast as such:

Brightness +14
Contrast +21

Then you will get a much brighter icon.


Select Layer- New Adjustment Layer- Hue/Saturation.

Enter the following information:

Hue 0
Saturation +10
Lightness +5

Layer- New Adjustment Layer- Selective Color

Enter the following information:

Cyan 0
Magenta 0
Yellow +14
Black 0

Cyan 0
Magenta 0
Yellow -2
Black -4

(This is the finished product with the higher Brightness/Contrast.


Ta da!

Other Examples:

With less Brightness/Contrast

With more Brightness/Contrast

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 1 of 1 comments

Impressive work and nice final result.

By stunningmesh on Jan 1, 2013 6:57 am

Tutorial Details

Author xchangminniex View profile
Submitted on Jul 5, 2012
Page views 9,035
Favorites 4
Comments 1
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Jul 11, 2012

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