How to make realistic vampire teeth

Photoshop Tutorials


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Okay I used Photoshop CS4! It might work on the other but I don't know

1.) We will open an image I will use this one:

2.)Duplicate the layer:

3.)Zoom in:

4.)Grab the polygon lasso tool and select the bottom half of the tooth not the whole thing like this:

5.)Then do go to adjustment, transform, distort and stretch:


6.)Go to your eraser tool:

7.)Do you finishing touches on you tooth:

And you are done! Here is my finishing product:

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 10 of 15 comments

This turned out awesome :D

By askingalexandria on Dec 19, 2009 7:46 pm

haha this is freakin sweet.

By conflictingreflections on Dec 9, 2009 3:00 pm


By J-Dragon on Nov 20, 2009 12:15 am

This will be perfect for the picture of me biting my friends neck :3

By xrockNrollx on Nov 8, 2009 5:16 pm

omg! its GD~ ^^
nice tutorial btw! =)

By doodleisLOVE on Nov 5, 2009 11:28 am


By crazydinozgorawr on Oct 23, 2009 9:32 pm

Thank you!
This is friggin amazing :)

By Kara18 on Oct 5, 2009 3:24 am

I'm glad you all liked it, I might make another tutorial :D

By buddyboy on Sep 18, 2009 9:28 pm

My dreams of becoming Edward are now closer to reality!

By andyoucansuckit on Sep 15, 2009 1:13 am

this is awesome!

By Tomates on Sep 14, 2009 7:45 pm
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Tutorial Details

Author buddyboy View profile
Submitted on Sep 12, 2009
Page views 18,382
Favorites 72
Comments 15
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Sep 13, 2009

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