Polaroid picture with a tape

Photoshop Tutorials


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Note: I know there's already a tutorial on this, but it was for Photoshop Elements. Many people were asking how to do this in other versions of Photoshop....so I made this tutorial for them! =)

First, you need some tape brushes which you can download here.

And a polaroid picture which you can download here.

After you downloaded them, load the brushes to your Photoshop.

Before :

After :

Okay let's start!

Step 1: Open up the image you wanna use. I'm using this one of Audrey Kitching :

Step 2: Make a new document of whatever size you want. I'm using this :

Now drag the Audrey image into this document.

Step 3: Open up the polaroid picture you just downloaded. Copy and paste the polaroid into your new Audrey Kitching document.

Step 4: Resize the polaroid and the Audrey image so they fit into your document. Place the Audrey image into the polaroid picture by clicking on the Move tool (or press V). And also, slant the whole polaroid picture so it looks a bit stylish. xD

Step 5: Remember, resize it in such a way that there's enough space for the tape to show. Now click on your Brush tool and select any of the tape brushes you downloaded :

Step 6: And apply it over the edges of the polaroid like this :

Step 7: Now you're done! I added some text and lil heart brushes to it and...voila!
There you have your polaroid picture with a cute tape!

Save it as a .psd image.
And the font I used is called Inspiration. =)

Hope you all enjoyed this tut. :D
If you have any questions, please comment me :)

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 10 of 24 comments

Your two links at the beginning are broken.
Was really looking forward to trying this.

By loveisforever on Oct 18, 2011 10:01 pm

GREAT TUTORIAL!!! I LOVE IT!! I was wondering if there was a place where I download that font that you used?

By cyn0610 on Apr 16, 2009 1:59 am

OMG! Thank you so much. . .I've been looking for a tutorial like this forever. I love you so much for this(:

By uncleronniexo on Apr 13, 2009 12:27 pm

cool tut. thanks for providing the links. makes it so much easier!

By calilani on Mar 19, 2009 3:27 am

I'm lost on how to drag the picture into the new document that we create.

By labellavida on Jan 16, 2009 9:45 pm

thiis iis too cute iimma try thiis

By sexyceo on Dec 27, 2008 11:46 pm

this is hot, i like this.

By E-CreaTionz on Dec 23, 2008 6:05 am

you just download the polaroid file....its on the beginning of the tut :)

By sunshine07 on Dec 3, 2008 11:48 pm

i am lost at step 3. where does the polaroid come from?

By eloisajb on Nov 25, 2008 9:32 pm

Awesome :)

By Brighter on Nov 17, 2008 11:47 pm
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Tutorial Details

Author sunshine07 View profile
Submitted on Oct 20, 2008
Page views 33,218
Favorites 241
Comments 24
Reviewer schizo View profile
Approved on Oct 20, 2008