create an old picture effect

Photoshop Tutorials


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this tutorial will show you how to turn a normal picture and make it look like an old, vintage photo.

i know another vintage photo effect. but, don't worry you'll enjoy this one. ;)

01. open your image
i'm using shia labeouf because he is gorgeous!

02. choose 'create new adjustment layer' icon on the bottom of the layers palette. from the pop-up menu, choose 'hue/saturation'

03. turn on 'colorize' in the dialog box. move the sliders to desired tint.

you should have something like this:

04. select the background layer. click on the 'create new layer' icon on the bottom of the layers palette.

05. fill it with white by pressing d, then press ctrl-backspace. on macs press, command-delete.

06. choose filter > texture > grain.
change the grain type to 'vertical' and input desired values.

07. change the blend mode to 'multiply'.

this is what you should have now:

08. click 'add layer mask' icon on the bottom of the layers palette.

09. choose filter > render > clouds.
then press control-f (command-f for macs)

10. add a new layer. change the fill to 50%

11. click edit > fill.
from the drop-down menu choose '50% gray'.

12. choose filter > noise > add noise.
turn on 'monochromatic'

13. change the blend mode to 'hard light'.

and you're done!

the final result:


Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 9 of 9 comments

Great Tutorial. Simple.

Hey, SoWrongItsAbby - the font is called "Dj Fancy" which you can search/download for free at

By missagonyx on Jul 9, 2008 1:57 am

great tutorial, what font did you use for the final result? (:

By SoWrongItsAbby on Jul 5, 2008 12:40 pm

thats a really cute font you wrote shia labeouf in. what was it? Very good tutorial. love it!

By maceyboox3 on Jul 4, 2008 1:05 am

this is soooo cool!

By digitalivory on Jul 1, 2008 6:29 pm

shia :)

love him.

By Leabean94 on Jun 30, 2008 1:35 am


By xFamous on Jun 29, 2008 5:20 am

cool :]

By smileyface on Jun 19, 2008 8:38 pm

That's hot.

By IzzyGrace on Jun 17, 2008 10:52 pm


By constantino1000 on Jun 17, 2008 7:16 am

Tutorial Details

Author f00LisH_h3aRt63 View profile
Submitted on Jun 17, 2008
Page views 17,740
Favorites 52
Comments 9
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Jun 17, 2008

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