
Click on thumbnailed images to enlarge

go from this: to this:

this generally just makes a boring picture look more fun

made with ps cs3 but can work with older versions

1. open your image, resize, sharpen, brighten, etc, if needed.

2. make a selective color layer (layer > new adjustment layer > selective color), and adjust the settings like this:
reds: -100, +50, +100, +100
neutrals: +30, +15, +10, 0

3. make another selective color layer:
reds: -100, -30, +10, 0
yellows: +100, +100, 0, -100
cyans: +100, -100, +100, 0
neutrals: +20, +15, 0, 0

4. make a new layer (layer > new > layer):
get paint bucket tool and fill layer with #16568b, and set it to exclusion at 30%

5. make one more selective color layer:
reds: +100, +35, +25, 0

6. flatten image & duplicate base:
set duplicated image to soft light at 45%

note: settings might need to be adjusted depending on the image.

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 6 of 6 comments

cool, really nice ^_^

By JRock-Layouts-and-Graphics on Jun 28, 2008 9:57 pm

iSbl - PS Elements doesn't have selective Coloring, so unfortunately no there isn't.

By vogueXdirge on Jun 1, 2008 7:33 pm

Nice tutorial, thanks :)

By xoChel on May 31, 2008 1:54 pm

Cool. But do you know if there's a way to do this on Elements?

By iSbl on May 30, 2008 6:39 am

ADD A COLOR TO A LAYER: You choose the color you want then folow this sequence
then your layer is filled with that color. The blending options are on the layer's pallete in a drop down menu.

By vogueXdirge on May 29, 2008 3:44 pm


By texascongress on May 29, 2008 12:26 am

Tutorial Details

Author freetimes View profile
Submitted on May 27, 2008
Page views 18,623
Favorites 58
Comments 6
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on May 27, 2008