
Click on thumbnailed images to enlarge

This is a tutorial for making glittery things w/Jasc PSP9 & Animation Shop 3 =]

Step 1:
In Animation Shop, open the glitter from where-ever you saved it. When it opens there should be more than one image, so go to Edit>>Select All & then Edit>>Copy. You should have 2-6 images selected & copied. My glitter has 3.
User posted image

Step 2:
In Paint Shop Pro (PSP), go to Edit>>Paste>>Paste Animation As Multiple Images. Your glitters should show up.

Step 3:
Open a new document in PSP. User posted image Make sure the background is transparent. I'm making mine 500x200.
User posted image

Step 4:
Select the text button. User posted image When you add your text, make whatever part you plan on glittering a solid color. It looks best when you have a border. Here's my settings:
Click to enlarge

Step 5:
When you've finished your text, go to Edit>>Select all & Edit Copy again. Paste as many of the text's as you have glitters.
User posted image

Step 6:
When you've gotten them all pasted and spread out, click the fill tool User posted image. You'll need to get to your glitters by clicking the color box, and going to patterns. Then click the down arrow where the pattern is & find your first glitter.
User posted image

Step 7:
Fill in the first word[s] with the first glitter.
User posted image
Copy it, and paste it into animation shop. Do the same with the rest, but as you go press CTRL+L and it should paste into the same box as the first one. When you've pasted them all, view your animation! Here's what I got :
User posted image

Hope it helped =]

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 1 of 1 comments

It did help, thank you!

By taddred on Dec 22, 2009 3:57 am

Tutorial Details

Author mustlovegiraffes View profile
Submitted on Feb 10, 2006
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