Change Nav Bar Color (Profile 2.0)

Myspace Scripts

Author's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

goes in css box.

here is a hex code site that i like to use.

Script Code

Copy and paste to About Me


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...and it needs to be pasted in the CSS section if you're using the 2.0 profile.

By saifai on May 16, 2009 7:10 pm

It didn't work as is for me either. I changed the formatting a bit. Here's what I used:

{! BEGIN nav bar color change !}
{! the actual navbar colour you can put font colour name or hex codes.!}
.msc {! topnav background color !}
div#topnav, div#googlebar, div#header

{! after youve change the colour these ugly blue lines will appear between each navbar link, this is to change the colour of them lines. !}
.msc { ! topnav border line color !}
div#topnav ul#leftNav li,
div#topnav ul#leftNav,
div#topnav ul#rightNav,
div#topnav ul#rightNav li

{! when you hover a link in your nav bar the link font can be changed !}
.msc {! topnav hover color !}
div#topnav ul li a:hover,
div#topnav ul#leftNav li,
div#topnav ul#leftNav li,
div#topnav ul#leftNav li,
div#subnav ul#subNav3 li a:hover,
div#subnav ul#subNav4 li a:hover,
div#subnav ul#subNav10 li a:hover,
div#subnav ul#subNav2 li a:hover

{! END nav bar color change !}

By saifai on May 16, 2009 7:07 pm

not working for me =/

By mattxmusicx on May 14, 2009 10:45 pm

Script Details

Author ZOMGitsLauren View profile
Submitted on May 12, 2009
Page views 27,216
Favorites 36
Comments 3
Reviewer A1Bassline View profile
Approved on May 14, 2009

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