Tired of this always happening to you??

Myspace Scripts

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Look carefully for specific instructions

Tired of your myspace always Boxing in only the center of your pic..
so thats why i designed this script..

i also have that happening to me and hate it how i would have to change my theme just to get it back to regular size..

so please comment on this script if using or have any ideas!

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Script Comments

Showing latest 3 of 3 comments

i understand that you were just making sure :) its better to be safe than sorry... great code, thanks!

By Asphirty on Sep 5, 2009 6:06 am

well sorry!, i was just making sure that it would work duh!

By Jghelfi on Apr 10, 2009 1:03 pm

why use all four border declarations instead of just using one which is...border:0px;?

By PeRRiiN on Apr 9, 2009 9:55 pm

Script Details

Author Jghelfi View profile
Submitted on Apr 8, 2009
Page views 12,148
Favorites 22
Comments 3
Reviewer Blaqheartedstar View profile
Approved on Apr 9, 2009

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