Neatly Evens Out Paragraphs

Myspace Scripts

Author's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

Just replace "PARAGRAPH/TEXT HERE" with your own text.

Script Code

Copy and paste to About Me


Script Comments

Showing latest 10 of 19 comments

this is niccce(:

By MiSSiE-LEiAH on Nov 7, 2009 6:52 pm

This is good, I love it!

By limegreenpencil on May 10, 2009 11:36 pm

I love this!

By deleted-account on Apr 24, 2009 5:10 pm

love it

By wjhllwy on Sep 26, 2008 9:07 pm

i was looking for this code. thx. :)

By pandabby on Sep 2, 2008 10:33 pm

super hawt=]

By PorclehnDoll on Aug 9, 2008 8:11 pm

yah! great, thanks!

By LynzeeThatsMe on Aug 7, 2008 11:19 am

ilovethiscode. its really neat and useful for like. really long about me's and stoof :D thanks.

By SoWrongItsAbby on Aug 5, 2008 2:21 pm

< P ALIGN = " JUSTIFY " > text < / P >

is what I meant lol.

By HeartOfPandora on Aug 4, 2008 11:24 pm

text works just as well.

By HeartOfPandora on Aug 4, 2008 11:23 pm
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Script Details

Author ChasingSkies View profile
Submitted on Jul 6, 2008
Page views 38,724
Favorites 302
Comments 19
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Jul 7, 2008

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