Designer's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

My first layout using scrapbook scraps.

-Used PSE
-Free scraps from Nicole Young (Love Potion Kit).
-Coding help from Skem9's Brandon, feedthedragon site, and Eileen's Blog.

Using This Layout

For specific instructions read designer's comments

  • 1. Log into
  • 2. Click on Edit Profile (Profile 1.0)
  • 3. Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v) code to the specified fields

Layout Code

Copy and paste to About Me


Layout Comments

Showing latest 6 of 6 comments

wow. I'm impressed with this layout. great work. :)

By Parasite on May 27, 2009 5:17 am

hi rindybustamstamante. i'll hit up your inbox & see if i can help ya out. no prob.

By calilani on May 18, 2009 2:47 am

i really like this layout can someone help i dont know how to put this up i followed the instructions but i guess im dumb cause i cant seem to get on my myspace right so if someone can message me the code with my friend id so i can just paste it on there id really appreciate it very much thank you and my friend id is 467756703 thanks again so much your a life savor cause i really really need this layout:)

By ian7mia on May 16, 2009 12:06 am

Oh I love it lots!

By trohmanledgerlover on Apr 2, 2009 7:46 pm

wow this is awesome!

By missk on Mar 21, 2009 10:58 pm

Sweet layout! I like the background image and the extended network

By Medi on Mar 19, 2009 10:57 pm

Layout Details

Designer calilani View profile
Submitted on Mar 19, 2009
Page views 9,820
Favorites 48
Comments 6
Reviewer schizo View profile
Approved on Mar 19, 2009

Layout Colors

Black White

Layout Tags