Designer's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

To use this layout, you must have myspace 2.0 installed on your profile.
You then must go to edit profile, then customize, and you have to choose the 'No Theme' option.

On the right there is also a CSS option, click this and this is where you input the code below =]

Hope you enjoy.

And Merry Christmas to you all!

Looks best at 750px width =]

Using This Layout

For specific instructions read designer's comments

  • 1. Log into
  • 2. Click on Edit Profile (Profile 2.0)
  • 3. Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v) code to the specified fields

Layout Code

Copy and paste to CSS (Profile 2.0)


Layout Comments

Showing latest 5 of 5 comments

great job with the coding!

By calilani on Apr 6, 2009 2:05 pm

haha cute santa

By Enigma19 on Dec 19, 2008 1:50 am

Not bad.

By SugaPwum on Dec 16, 2008 12:55 pm

Pretty good. Using now. Good job.

By Chris10 on Dec 15, 2008 6:14 pm

oo very pleasing to the eye. it's readable and nice choice of colors =) good job

By michellekdo on Dec 15, 2008 1:28 pm

Layout Details

Designer Fluid View profile
Submitted on Dec 14, 2008
Page views 5,311
Favorites 17
Comments 5
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Dec 15, 2008

Layout Colors

Black Blue Red