Designer's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

I added a comment box, since there isn't a link to your comments. You can change it if you want, I don't care.

I don't care if you edit the code or image for your own personal use, just don't claim it as your own.

I really don't care if you look at my code, or even copy my stylesheet. As long as you don't make a layout that looks just like one I made, I don't care. I wrote most of my stylesheet from free reasorces, or by learning from other people. I have no problem with you learning off of my codes.

I don't want to be like one of those people who say "If you jock, I will hunt you down and sue you until you are broke!!!", cause that is stupid.

If you want me to explain something, then PM me! I would be happy to help you!

I REALLY hope that you keep the link to my site. It is only a tiny link in the top corner, no one is going to notice it. There is really no way of me knowing if you keep the credit or not, so I can't stop you if you deside to take it off... But I want you to know that it took me a couple of hours to make and code this layout, and the only way I am rewarded is if more people come to my site. And the only way that is going to happen, is if people give me credit.

- Paste and edit your info.
- Change XXXXXXX to your Friend ID BEFORE you click save!

Image from Neopets
Check out my other layouts!

Comment me if you decide to use it! Favorites are always appreciated... :P

Using This Layout

For specific instructions read designer's comments

  • This is a div overlay layout, html knowledge required!
  • 1. Log into
  • 2. Click on Edit Profile (Profile 1.0)
  • 3. Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v) code to the specified fields

Update Friend ID

Input Friend ID to automagically update code

Layout Code

Copy and paste to About Me


Layout Code

Copy and paste to I'd Like to Meet


Layout Comments

Showing latest 10 of 19 comments

I love the drawings and the pencil shading-look in this.

By Butterface89 on Sep 10, 2010 7:36 pm

how do you add text?

By oxohotthingoxo on Nov 4, 2008 10:16 am

hahahaha this is an awsome layout yet i dont know what it means to "Change XXXXXXX to your Friend ID BEFORE you click save!" what does that mean help anyone plz!

By anakaren15 on Jun 22, 2008 8:35 pm


By Decode on Jun 20, 2008 8:22 am

really nice

By purplelilac8o8 on Jun 19, 2008 9:34 pm

the sketches are cute. did you do them yourself?

By eMarie2470 on Jun 19, 2008 12:30 am

Thanks everyone. And no, I didn't draw it. I wish I could though :P

By SharperMyspace on Jun 18, 2008 12:54 am

yearsss since i even thought of neopets! Like erryone else, love the simplicity. roll overs would of been nice but i too hate making them soo great job :D

By none345678 on Jun 17, 2008 10:13 pm

Wow, this is amazingly adorable. You didn't draw that picture did you by any chance?

By iSbl on Jun 17, 2008 9:07 pm

this is cute^_^
& and i like how you didn't threaten to hunt people down,lol

By Saikou on Jun 17, 2008 8:01 pm
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Layout Details

Designer SharperMyspace View profile
Submitted on Jun 17, 2008
Page views 20,356
Favorites 168
Comments 19
Reviewer kreios View profile
Approved on Jun 17, 2008

Layout Colors

Black Grey White