Designer's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

Paste Codes In Correct areas
Replace all the XXXXXX with your friend id
replace all friendurlhere with your friends urls
Replace Default Image links With Your Own Image Links

This is a Div Overlay in order to use this layout make sure you are good at HTML and know how to read it.

DO NOT STEAL MY CODES! I will just stop contributing if it doesn't stop

The layout was tested in IE and Firefox

Resource Credits:
Insurmountable - Comment Box
Http:// - Image

Layout Copyright:
IVIike | East Coast Co. | xInfiniti

Using This Layout

For specific instructions read designer's comments

  • This is a div overlay layout, html knowledge required!
  • 1. Log into
  • 2. Click on Edit Profile (Profile 1.0)
  • 3. Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v) code to the specified fields

Update Friend ID

Input Friend ID to automagically update code

Layout Code

Copy and paste to About Me


Layout Code

Copy and paste to I'd Like to Meet


Layout Comments

Showing latest 10 of 46 comments

Tis cute. The little radio is cute.

By Butterface89 on Jul 28, 2010 12:02 pm

Looks amazing +fave =]

By Firiath on Sep 14, 2008 10:52 am

thanks everyone, PM me with questions.

By IVIike on Aug 28, 2008 11:06 pm

I cant get the comment box to work. At all.
Not really sure what I'm doing wrong here.

By jepha on Aug 20, 2008 11:19 pm

i love the boombox and marquee. :)
very pretty!

By peaceloveriot on Aug 8, 2008 11:04 am

How do I add a playlist?

By xHugzNKissyx on Aug 2, 2008 4:20 pm

I can't get my friends profile pics to show up
can someone tell me how?

By jking4 on Apr 1, 2008 10:07 pm

i cant seem to get ma friends url to work.....anybody know how to do it?

By manahan on Mar 4, 2008 9:39 am

i like can u make a fresh hip hop one wit the friends slide and if not can u show me how 2 make 1

By lloydtheabstrac on Jan 20, 2008 4:13 pm

i like can u make a fresh hip hop one wit the friends slide and if not can u show me how 2 make 1

By lloydtheabstrac on Jan 20, 2008 4:13 pm
View all »

Layout Details

Designer IVIike View profile
Submitted on Nov 24, 2007
Page views 87,206
Favorites 476
Comments 46
Reviewer themarkster View profile
Approved on Nov 24, 2007

Layout Colors

Black Grey White