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Layout Comments
Showing latest 10 of 11 comments
i love the skulls :]
why is there a random girl on top of the big skull?? i dont get it >.
it would be so awesome, if it was in a different color but other than that it rocks
i love it :O)
the image doesn't look very high quality, what with the bluriness. And the red is a tad too bright...but other than that, it looks great!
Nice layout but it's a tad too bright, and i also agree the banner is a little blurred.
My eyes burn from the brightness.
I really wish it was a darker red or duller.
I like the brushes behind the skulls, but it's a little blurry.
the extended network image looks kinda blurry. it's ok, i think it woulda looked good with table color, or at least borders instead of everything red