Designer's Comments

Look carefully for specific instructions

Change theme to Smooth Sailing and make ad placement horizontal. Press Custom CSS. Put no for both "use layout stylesheet.." Click Sidebar and click hide for Profile Position. Click Display and under Additional Options click hide user's icon for Header Journal Icon.

-Preview will not work on here because it is not set up right for this layout.


Journal-->Journal Style-->Customize Your Theme (on the right side)-->scroll down and click Advanced Options-->Follow these settings:

Usericon Visibility: do not show any usericons
Wrap entry text under userinfo: yes

Using This Layout

For specific instructions read designer's comments

  • 1. Log into (customize)
  • 2. Set Style System to S2
  • 3. Click on Look and Feel
  • 4. Set Layout to Smooth Sailing
  • 5. Click on Custom Options
  • 6. Click on Custom CSS
  • 7. Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v) code to Custom CSS

Layout Code

Copy and paste to Custom Style Sheet


Set style to Smooth Sailing

Layout Comments

Showing latest 3 of 3 comments

I really like the florals in this.

By Butterface89 on Nov 16, 2012 7:01 pm


By TheOn3LeftBehind on Jan 9, 2010 7:14 pm

Nice Deisgn..and pretty colors too :)

By Snaily on Jan 9, 2010 6:51 pm

Layout Details

Designer TheOn3LeftBehind View profile
Submitted on Jan 7, 2010
Page views 23,893
Favorites 25
Comments 3
Reviewer Cristy View profile
Approved on Jan 9, 2010

Layout Colors

Blue Grey White

Layout Tags