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message to anyone, version 15
post Nov 28 2005, 12:04 AM
Post #1

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Well, you know what to do.


You're okay.

I don't know what to do about you. I promised I wouldn't go look for you this time. I can't help it. You IMed me today but I was away. You IMed me like nothing was wrong yet you sometimes act like you're mad although you say you're not. Maybe she was right. Maybe..
Hiphop d[-_-]b
post Nov 28 2005, 12:06 AM
Post #2

Bay Area YadadaDiiiig.

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Cant wait til PE tomorrow <3
I just hope if i curl my harr it doesnt go all awry.
post Nov 28 2005, 12:25 AM
Post #3


i can talk to anyone so freely, but i still can't understand why i can't even carry a decent conversation whenever i'm around you.

i'm sorry i haven't stayed in touch with you. i'm just afraid of what to do or say around you. you've hurt me to the point where i wasn't sure if i could still talk to you. but i was wrong.

and i know what you're thinking. you think i don't like you anymore. or you think i've found someone better.

but i haven't.

just, for some reason, i guess i'm afraid of you. i'm afraid of making myself look and sound like an idiot in front of you.

i miss talking to you.

and it doesn't help me much when i barely get to see you around. but i want you to know, when i do, i try to make it as worthwhile as possible.

i'm sorry i couldn't keep in touch.

i'll make it up to you.

you really mean a lot to me. surely we're different people. but that doesn't mean anything to me.

i'm really sorry.

i miss you.
post Nov 28 2005, 12:26 AM
Post #4

hi. call me linda.

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Ugh ugh ugh. You're pissing me off. Stop flirting with other women. Behind my back! And, ever since I caught you lying I can't help but think when else have you lied to me? Superficially, everything seems so perfect, but it's not. And I've done all the work. It's your turn to do something.
Hiphop d[-_-]b
post Nov 28 2005, 12:50 AM
Post #5

Bay Area YadadaDiiiig.

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Well, i see you dont trust me. That hurts. But just a little. I can understand why .. But only if you knew that i wouldnt judge you by it.
post Nov 28 2005, 01:46 AM
Post #6

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Bum... how do I put up with you? Actually… scratch that thought. How could I ever live without you? You make me oh so happy and add a great deal of joy in my life. I want to thank you for showing me what love is. Thank you for opening my heart and continuously not letting me give up when that was what I thought was the right thing to do. Thank you for telling me what was on my mind but I was too scared to say: that I was "really afraid of getting hurt", and I needed to have faith. Thank you for being persistent and for successfully convincing me to give you another shot. Thank you for staying up with me on the phone while I’m doing my homework even if all you’re doing is reading a book on the other line and listening to me sing along to my David Bowie CD. Thank you for telling your sister about us, thank you for holding my hand in front of your friends... spending some Friday nights looking at stars with me in the dark empty fields. I can't believe how much I take you for granted and don't even appreciate all the things you do. Thanks for calling at exactly the right times everyday, thanks for reading my mind as well as any guy possibly could. I really hope we'll be able to stay up at Tom's cabin for a few nights Winter break... just us 3, and I'll be able to score some quality time with you as well. That would be awesomeeeeee. Maybe you cuold teach me how to snowboard while we're up there? =p And I can't wait til Coldplay! That will be fun. And also! The semi formal that's coming up... excited to see you all spiffed up =p. I love you babe (:
DaTru KataLYST
post Nov 28 2005, 02:28 AM
Post #7

白人看不懂 !!!!

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maybe isn't enough, damnit! give me something more!
post Nov 28 2005, 02:48 AM
Post #8

Kris is getting bonified.

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_____, I am so not understanding you. You know how much I dislike her and you didn't either! About 5 minutes before she came, we were both complaining about her visiting and now you like her? C'mon! Faggit. Don't be giving me that damn attitude around her towards me. I can't stand that damn face of yours and that f**king voice and UGH. I hate it.

And why are you friends with her?! She called you ugly, my f**king god. Get your goddamn head straight..

____, don't try to act all dumb and funny. It's not working.. for me atleast. I don't want you to call me baby or honey. I know, I am your cousin, but c'mon woman, I don't talk to you that much for you to be calling me that as much as _____ does. We don't.. like you a lot. Lol, okay. I guess my feelings sort of changed during your visit, but still.. I just can't stand you at times..
post Nov 28 2005, 05:57 AM
Post #9

yan lin♥

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__________: ew, seriously, why are you so gross. please PLEASE wash your hair i beg you. and stop dressing like a 2 dollar hooker. i dont want to sound racist or anything, but if i'd call anyone "white trash" and mean it, it'd be you. go away. leave me and my friends alone.
post Nov 28 2005, 10:46 AM
Post #10


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To no one in particular,

Yayyy, first snow day since 1997!



Woo! The show was awesome! It was great seeing you on Saturday. _smile.gif We really should hang out more.



What's wrong? =\
Talk to me, Deeze! You've been sounding really down lately, and I don't like to see you sad. What's bringing you down? And please don't tell me you meant what I'm thinking you meant.... sad.gif Don't fall back into that cycle. I know you know it's a bad one, but I'm just here to reinforce it. Just....don't fall back into it.



You know, I think I can say that I am FINALLY over you. Memories of our good times kept haunting me at the beginning of this school year, but I think I can safely say I'm completely over you. I think now we can be friends again....that is if you're willing to try as well, since I know I am. Have a nice day off. Maybe we can talk tomorrow.



Wow, ever since we started to talk a little bit more in history class last week, I've been thinking about seventh grade a lot.... Do you even remember seventh grade? Do you even remember all of the good times you had with Liz and me? Maybe you do. Maybe you miss them as much as I do. Maybe you don't. Things are just really awkward with you, but I wanted to say you're a good person. Maybe eventually we can be friends again, because I think we're both still trying to sort things out.... The end of seventh grade was a weird one for our friendship.
post Nov 28 2005, 03:06 PM
Post #11




did i mention i love you?
post Nov 28 2005, 03:45 PM
Post #12

i think its best, cause you cant miss what you forget

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It really hurts to be ignored. I think so far into it i forget how i want to "act' around you and thats terrible. I can tell that things are different because we both catch each others eyes, yet we never talk anymore. Its sad and I cant get you out of my head for some reason. This is making my life suck.
post Nov 28 2005, 03:50 PM
Post #13

you`re undeniable

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why did you have to go? and why did you kiss her goodbye and break my heart like that. sigh. wub.gif

i haven't seen you in so effing long. what are you doing???
post Nov 28 2005, 03:57 PM
Post #14


_______I'm weird, you say. You dont know half as much as you think you know about me so save me the lecture even though I know you mean well.

______ I'm so thankful you were not harmed in the car accident. I love you, Mom.
post Nov 28 2005, 06:29 PM
Post #15

hi. call me linda.

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Heyy, today was really nice. I liked it a lot. It really did feel like I was at home, and hah making me hug all of your family members. Well, maybe they'll be my family later too! Heh. I love you so much, thanks for being there for me <3.
post Nov 28 2005, 08:07 PM
Post #16


sigh. what a day eh? shifty.gif haha tongue.gif oohhh yeah...i had to make it up to you eventually...even if not completely... =p haha i'll get youu. wink.gif
post Nov 28 2005, 09:08 PM
Post #17


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wow, i don't know why i feel such hurt and pain when i hear you talk about spending time with another girl. it's just not fair. i mean i want you to be happy...but why do i have to feel pain in order for you to be happy? you didn't even say one word to me today. what in the world? what happen. last tuesday was amazing. even though we didn't do anything special...i felt so special when i was in your sweater. like the world wouldnt phase me...that was such a great feeling. if only it were permanent...that would be kooooOooOol...hahahaha....omg....oh that would be nice....^____^ i can't wait around forever you know? but for now, i'm waiting for you because i think we still might have a chance... _smile.gif

wow...that is so sad of you...shame...

you are a freaking weirdo....hahaha....you and ^her both...hahahahahaha LMAO...that's so sad of you guys...hahah...i don't even act that desperate...GET OUT OF HERE!! HAHAHAHA laugh.gif
post Nov 28 2005, 09:21 PM
Post #18

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you little slut..nevermind you SLUT WANNABE
what the f**k was wrong with your mind! what the fcuk made you say that?! This is all of your little loser friend's fault! she's a stupid little bitch! being a stripper when you grow up..yeah there's a plan...you're not a whore and stop trying to be one! get over yourself you concited bitch! you are not better than anyone, you just don't get it do you?!why don't you just go back to your damn doghouse!can't believe i was friends with you!you fcukin werid bitch
post Nov 28 2005, 09:39 PM
Post #19


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____: i should have never looked at those pictures. i miss them so bad. cry.gif
post Nov 28 2005, 11:13 PM
Post #20


I can't get you out of my system, no matter how hard I try. I simply can't shake the feeling that I've lost something, a part of me that I can't replace. It's been so difficult without you; I don't even know if I'm living anymore, but I guess I am—if this is what you can call life, anyway.

I went down south for Thanksgiving; it was terrible. Everywhere I look, there are traces of you. It started in Santa Monica. I don't know if it was the Italian restaurant with the beautiful language flowing from the lips of the waiter or the guy casually strolling down the street who looked just like you or even the fact that it was just "Santa Monica in the wintertime.."

You're not real; you lied to me. It should be easy for me to let go, but it's not. I can't. I love you more than I ever imagined I would, but I don't discern truth from lie with you. I've spent my whole life looking for you, and I found you—I can't lose you, not again, not like last time, but I guess I already have. It's my fault; it's always my fault, I know.

I'm stupid, it's not news. I push people away, and I simply don't deserve happiness in any form. It's been a while since I've cried myself to sleep over you, but those two nights in San Diego did it. It wasn't La Jolla, but pretty damn close. I was months too late, just like with Stanford. You were everywhere—the beaches, the stores at the mall, the college, the apartments, but most of all, my heart. I didn't think it'd hurt like this, not again, but it does. I've been in love with you so long, I can't let go. I can't live with the pain; it's unbearable.

Can I find you some day? Would you let me get to know the real you? I can't give up someone as amazing as you; I can't give up on this. I've never had to really work for anything, but I want this. I need this—I don't know how to live with the pain of knowing there was a possibility that I passed up. I can't live with, "What if?" I need to know that this can work, because I know this is real. I've never been surer about anything in my life.

So why is that you've disappeared again? After you made me promise that I'd talk to you, after you told me that you'd have "Internet and a phone and all that fun stuff," after you'd said that you'd give me your p. o. box address, you're gone. I'm not angry, I've learned better—but that doesn't mean that I don't wonder; I do, more than anything else in the world.

But it's me; it always is. I'm unapproachable, intimidating, hated. I should know better, dammit. How foolish could I be? Stupid. Blinded. Naïve.

Why even believe?

I miss you.
post Nov 28 2005, 11:16 PM
Post #21

Lauren loves YOU.

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I have come up with a fantastic plan to seduce you. Have sex with me NOW.
post Nov 29 2005, 12:22 AM
Post #22


sigh. its funny...such a simple, teensy thing on msn and yet i feel like you blew me off in a way. am i weird or what? its nothing at all and yet it hurts.
post Nov 29 2005, 12:23 AM
Post #23

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Hahahaha good job apologizing to my parents, babe. I think they love you now =p. Anyway I'm gonna go finish my homework RIGHT NOW and try to call you before you call me again! AHHHHH later gator. Love you.
post Nov 29 2005, 12:27 AM
Post #24

in a matter of time

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I don't know what your problem is, but don't go around saying people are fake when they're only trying to be friendly to you. It's not our fault you're a cold, calculating bitch who can't handle a joke that's not even directed at you.

By the way, when people try to be nice to you to break the ice, you don't blow them off. That's just common sense. At least try and be polite.
post Nov 29 2005, 02:17 AM
Post #25

hello : )

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Dear You,
La la la same old crap. I still miss you. It gets harder but easier at the same time? What a paradox.

Dear You,
I'm so glad we're becoming friends and that we talk during breaks and everything. Even if you have to ditch your cart and let that weird guy that hits on us watch it. Lol. See you Wednesday hopefully! You and your boyfriend's names are too effing cute by the way.

Dear You,
Don't you have a girlfriend? Why are you so keen on hanging out with me and meeting up with me? WEIRD YO WEIRD. Hopefully you have to work Friday. HOPEFULLY.

Dear You,
Wow. You're really cute. I don't know how old you are or your name or anything but you're cute. And you have red hair. That's so cute for some reason. Lol. See you again maybeeee.

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