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100 things you always wanted to know, about sex
Hiphop d[-_-]b
post Jul 9 2005, 10:57 PM
Post #1

Bay Area YadadaDiiiig.

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no urban legends, embarassing questions, or awkward conversations- just the facts from TWiST magezine. theese cheesy quotes and combacks are NOT mine. lol they are property of TWiST magezine.

10 truths about peer pressure
13% of teens have done something sexually while high that they wouldn't have done sober
15% of teens have sex due to peer pressure
47% of teens felt pressured into sex before they were ready
50% of girls feel pressured into sex by their friends
67% of guys feel the same way
74% of teens say their friends think its cool to stay a virgin
90% of teens think most people have sex before theyre ready
90% of teen moms hadnt even planned to have sex at all
30% of girls say friends are the biggest influence when it comes to sexy, luckily
58% of teens say their friends help them make smart choices

10 weirdest myths about birth control
MYTH 1-- a girl can't get pregnant the first time [ sex works the 1st,2nd, and 100th time.]
MYTH 2-- pregnancy can be prevented by douching with sode [forget it, theres a reason you won't find diet coke next to condoms in drugstores
MYTH 3-- a girl won't get pregnant if she doesn't have an orgasm [nope, sexual excitement has zero to do with pregnancy risk]
MYTH 4-- if a girl has sex standing up sht won't get pregnant because sperm can't travel upstream
MYTH 5-- a girl wont get pregnant if the guy pulls out before he ejaculates [nope. pre-ejactulte the fluid released before a guy has an orgasm contains sperm, a few thousand in fact.]
MYTH 6-- the rhythm method, only having sex on certain days of the girls cycle is an effective method of birth control [heres a not so funny joke we heard: what do you call people who use the rhythm method? parents. get it ? *means it doesnt work*]
MYTH 7-- a girl cant get prenant in a hot tub as sperm cant survive in warm water
MYTH 8-- if a girl sneezes after sex she won't get pregnant [save the kleenex!]
MYTH 9-- a girl cant get prenant on her period
MYTH 10-- drinking mountain dew will lower his sperm count

FACT : none of these myths are true, not even close. 90% of girls who dont use birth control -as in real doctor approved methos like the pill or condoms- will get pregnant within a year of being sexually active. so use protection.

10 scary STD stats
•4% of sexually experienced teens think they have an STD. actually 25% have
•teens who've had 5 or more drinks are three times less likely to use a condom
•even with 100% perfect condom usage, you can still get genital warts
•40,000 people in the U.S are diagnosed with HIV each year. Half of them are under 25
•condoms cost 5$ a dox. treating HIV costs aroung 10,000 a year.
•75% of girls worry that carryign a condom makes them look easy but 81% think a guy who carries condoms seem "prepared" related topic about condom carrying.
•91% of girls say they worry about HIV or other STDs but only 61% of guys do
•57% of sexually active teens say they havent talked about STDs with their doctor
•about half never talk to their parents about STDs
•40% have never discussed it with their partner. if your not ready to discuss the risks, your not ready.

anyone having sex must always use protection. these methos can help reduce risks of pregnancy and STDs- but remember, theres no such thing as 100% safe sex

how does it work? a condom has a latex sheath that covers the guys penis during sex and stops semen from entering the vagina
does it protect against STDs and pregnancy condoms are up to 97% effective against both when perfectly used everytime.
they are available at any drugstore.
how does it work? its a polyurethane puch inserted into the vagine to keep sperm from entering the uterus
available at most drugstores
does it protect against STDs and pregnancy female condoms are 79-95% effective against both when used correctly
how does it work the girl takes one pill at the same time per day. each pill contains hormons that prevent her body from releasing eggs
does it protect against STDs and pregnancy 97-99.9% effective against pregnancy but not all STDs. condoms should always be used.
available by prescription at about 25$ per month
how does it work a thin ring is inserted into the vagina and releases 3 weeks worth of hormones that stop ovulation
does it protect against STDs and pregnancyup to 99%effective against pregnancy not STDs
available by prescription is about 40-45$ per month
how does it work its a hormon thats injected that lasts three months and prevents ovulation
does it protect against STDs and pregnancy 99.7% effective
against pregnancy but not at all STDs
how does it work spermicides are foams or creams inserted in the vagina which contains a chemical that kills sperm
does it protect against STDs and pregnancy used with a condom or diaphragm, can be 79-97% effective against pregnancy but not STDs
how does it work a thing rubber dome holds spermicide against the cervix to stop sperm from reaching the uterus
does it protect against STDs and pregnancywithout spermicide, its about 80% effective against pregnancy but not STDs
how does it work the girl tracks her cycle and doesnt have sex on the days when she thinks she might be ovulating
does it protect against STDs and pregnancy NO way, even with a regular cycle 25% of girls get pregnant.
how does it work no sex. at all.
does it protect against STIs and pregnancy 100% effective against STDs and pregnancy [ if you avoid oral sex too ]

Human papillomavirus [HPV]: also known as genital warts. can cause itching or bleeing
Genital herpes: a recurrent skin condition that can cause genital sores or blisters
Chlamydia: a bacterial infection that can cause infertility. usually no symptoms
Trichomoniasis: an often painful vaginal infection. usually causes a frothy tellow-green discharge with a strong odor, pain during urination and itching.
Crabs: an itchy parasite that lives in pubic hair. can be spread even with condom usage
HIV/AIDS: HIV weakeans the immune system and develops into AIDS. no symptoms, so testing is the only way to find out is someone has it. there is no cure.
Gonorrhea: a common bacterial infection of the vagina which may cause discharge or irregular bleeding
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C: a potentially fatal viral infection of the liver. may cause nausea or flu-like symptoms
Syphilis: a serious bacterial infection that can cause a rash, blindness or even paralysis.

10 LAME LiNES GUYSE USE TO GET SEX & 10 cool comebacks.
"if you loved me, you'd do it" ----» "if you loved me, you wouldnt pressure me"
"don't you trust me?" ----» " sure. i trust your someone to respect my decisions"
"even if you did get pregnant, i'd help you raise the child ----» "ok, it costs 106,000 to raise a child for 18 years, wanna pay your half up front?"
" if you dont i'll find someone who will" ----» "go ahead. im sure the girls are knocking down your door"
"i guess your just too immature ----» "im mature enouugh to make my own decisions, but your whining like a baby"
"if i dont have sex im going to get blue balls!" ----» "if we DO i can catch an STI or get pregnant"
"it'll bring us closer together ----» " spending everyday of the month hoping i get my period isnt my idea of quality time"
" my last girlfriend had sex with me" ----» " i can see that worked wonders for your relationship"
"but you know id do anything for you !" ----» "really? can you clean my room and wash my clothes?"
"everyone else is doing it" ----» "oh cool. ive always wanted to be a follower"

GETTiNG TOO HOT ? need to break the mood? just think about...
» how your older brother could walk in and make your life awkward forever
» old guys wearing speedos at the beach
» the pythagorean theorom
» your ex.
» having to tell your friends "sorry i cant go to the mall. my herpes medication is making me feel sick"
» the last time your mom made you scrub the toilet
» david hasslehoff
» the fact you havent shaved in like a week
» your dream car.... with a baby seat in the back.
» hey, you know who else had sex? your parents.

10 great sites for more sex info
Planned Parenthood
Sex Etc.
All About Sex
Coalition for Positive Sexuality
Youth Embassy
Advocates for Youth
Smarter Sex
Go Ask Alice

5 books to check out
The Underground Guide to to Teenage Sexuality by Michael J. Basso
Deal With it by Esther Drill, Rebbeca Odes and Heather Mcdonald
Am i Weird or is this Normal by Marlin S. Potash and Laura Potash Fruitman
Sex, Boys, and You: Be Your own Best Girlfriend by Joni Arredia
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post Jan 6 2006, 12:05 AM
Post #76

sweet abandon

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QUOTE(stephenmatthewg92 @ Jul 10 2005, 2:10 PM)
I'm 13 and I don't think I really care, sorry cool.gif

QUOTE(IamRad @ Jul 11 2005, 4:39 AM)
u should care, people ur age can also get pregnant
awesome tips... good job at posting this  happy.gif

So true. When I was 13 two people in my middle school were already pregnant.
post Jan 13 2006, 04:23 AM
Post #77


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So when did chicks quit liking David Hasslehoff?

Also, when I meet the girl who thinks about the Pythagorean theorem during sex, I'm going to marry her.

Also also, one of the little come back things kind of bothered me.
" if you dont i'll find someone who will" ----» "go ahead. im sure the girls are knocking down your door"

If your boyfriend actually uses that, you shouldn't just go for the double bluff and hope he backs down; you should dump him on the spot. You don't want to be with a guy who cares more about sex than your relationship. And even though he'd probably be bluffing, I know that if I were a girl I wouldn't want a boyfriend who gave me ultimatums like that.
post Jan 13 2006, 09:29 AM
Post #78

Prez of Student Council 04/05

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unbeliveably i already know everything single thing taht is written there... stupid school.. phys ed taught us everything -____-"
post Feb 18 2006, 12:17 PM
Post #79


Spank you.
post Mar 21 2006, 08:28 PM
Post #80

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hahas; tough the comebacks were corny i still enjoyed them (=
this will be helpful in my future xD
post Mar 21 2006, 09:26 PM
Post #81

victim of myspace.com

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Whoa....................................................I liked the comebacks!! But I'm only like, 12, and I don't even no what freaking STD's are!!!!!!!!
post Mar 21 2006, 10:15 PM
Post #82

what a moon tonight.

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10 LAME LiNES GUYSE USE TO GET SEX & 10 cool comebacks are funny..

this is useful info. :) good job.
post Mar 21 2006, 11:03 PM
Post #83

Hello There.

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this is useful.
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Meg*
post Mar 30 2006, 08:54 PM
Post #84


Great thread!

QUOTE(Ice Cream 4 U @ Mar 21 2006, 9:26 PM) *
Whoa....................................................I liked the comebacks!! But I'm only like, 12, and I don't even no what freaking STD's are!!!!!!!!

STDs are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (diseases that you can get from having sex without protection).
post Mar 30 2006, 09:07 PM
Post #85

the name is ada.

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I like the comebacks.
post Mar 31 2006, 08:52 PM
Post #86


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b' date='Jul 9 2005, 7:57 PM' post='1441605']

MYTH 10-- drinking mountain dew will lower his sperm count

lol! laugh.gif
post Apr 1 2006, 10:43 AM
Post #87

Kermit the frog = <3

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MYTH 6-- the rhythm method, only having sex on certain days of the girls cycle is an effective method of birth control [heres a not so funny joke we heard: what do you call people who use the rhythm method? parents. get it ? *means it doesnt work*]

doesn't that contridicts what you said in methods of preventing STDs and pregnancy? well this is a very informative topic and i'm sure you made a difference in many girls' lives.
post Apr 1 2006, 04:32 PM
Post #88

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i didnt no some of that
post May 7 2006, 12:12 PM
Post #89


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oh, um...ya.

i never new things things could happen while doing... "it"! blink.gif
*This Confession*
post May 8 2006, 03:51 AM
Post #90


woo fun stuff
although i knew all this stuff.

hmm oh well.
post May 15 2006, 02:25 PM
Post #91

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lol i agree
post Jun 25 2006, 06:48 PM
Post #92

Mrs. Delonge

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Lol, yep, this is the method I use to protect against STDS/Pregnancy

how does it work no sex. at all.
does it protect against STIs and pregnancy 100% effective against STDs and pregnancy [ if you avoid oral sex too ]"

haha!! i love it! it's true, too!!! you won't get pregnant if you don't have sex!

Wow, this should be spread across the nation. Very important stuff...
post Jun 25 2006, 06:56 PM
Post #93

in a matter of time

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Wow, whoever wrote this was a total loser. It's hard to take them seriously when they write stuff like "heres a not so funny joke we heard: what do you call people who use the rhythm method? parents. get it ? *means it doesnt work*."

Regardless, it's still very informative. Thanks. =)
post Jul 7 2006, 09:19 PM
Post #94


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QUOTE(stephenmatthewg92 @ Jul 9 2005, 9:10 PM) *
I'm 13 and I don't think I really care, sorry cool.gif

True that. It's a waste of time just thinking about it o.O This stuff is supposed to be personal, people!

QUOTE(Ice Cream 4 U @ Mar 21 2006, 7:26 PM) *
Whoa....................................................I liked the comebacks!! But I'm only like, 12, and I don't even no what freaking STD's are!!!!!!!!

It's a disease you can get from having sex o.O
...Well, I believe it is! One of my best friends did a research project about teen pregnancy for her health project.
post Jul 13 2006, 03:19 PM
Post #95

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intresting stuff..
post Jul 13 2006, 10:32 PM
Post #96

<(- -)><(- - <)(>- -)><(- - )>

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wow this was good information. thanks biggrin.gif
post Jul 17 2006, 11:05 AM
Post #97


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interesting...i didn't know most of the things in that article...thanx for the info... XD.gif
post Jul 17 2006, 11:47 AM
Post #98

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10 LAME LiNES GUYSE USE TO GET SEX & 10 cool comebacks.
"if you loved me, you'd do it" ----» "if you loved me, you wouldnt pressure me"
"don't you trust me?" ----» " sure. i trust your someone to respect my decisions"
"even if you did get pregnant, i'd help you raise the child ----» "ok, it costs 106,000 to raise a child for 18 years, wanna pay your half up front?"
" if you dont i'll find someone who will" ----» "go ahead. im sure the girls are knocking down your door"
"i guess your just too immature ----» "im mature enouugh to make my own decisions, but your whining like a baby"
"if i dont have sex im going to get blue balls!" ----» "if we DO i can catch an STI or get pregnant"
"it'll bring us closer together ----» " spending everyday of the month hoping i get my period isnt my idea of quality time"
" my last girlfriend had sex with me" ----» " i can see that worked wonders for your relationship"
"but you know id do anything for you !" ----» "really? can you clean my room and wash my clothes?"
"everyone else is doing it" ----» "oh cool. ive always wanted to be a follower"

post Jul 17 2006, 12:28 PM
Post #99

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» hey, you know who else had sex? your parents.

QUOTE(Bobblehead425 @ Jul 10 2005, 11:58 AM) *
lol ewww


and thanx for the info...
post Aug 20 2006, 03:30 PM
Post #100


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QUOTE(stephenmatthewg92 @ Jul 10 2005, 12:10 AM) *
I'm 13 and I don't think I really care, sorry cool.gif

Im 15 and im still a virgin. all of this infor is really importantt. and aultough you might not realize it, there are PLENTY of people who are 13 and having sex. Reality Check, if you dont want to get pregnant, then you SHOULD care.

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