Css text drop shadow

CSS Tutorials


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ever wanted to make a drop shadow for text?
well here is how

you put the code in between style tags

text-shadow: red 0.2px 0.3px 0.2px

you can change "red" to any color you want
(idk about color codes)
the part after that controls the horizontal direction of the shadow
(positive numbers goes to the right, negatives go left)
next part controls the vertical direction of the shadow
(positive numbers go down, negatives go up)
and the last part of the code controls the blur
(starting at 0, 0 is the sharpest)

have fun

Tutorial Comments

Showing latest 3 of 3 comments

var i=0;

By sanjeevpyare on Jul 10, 2010 6:02 am


By sanjeevpyare on Jul 10, 2010 6:01 am

Tutorial Details

Author forgetit View profile
Submitted on Sep 12, 2009
Page views 8,637
Favorites 3
Comments 3
Reviewer manny-the-dino View profile
Approved on Sep 13, 2009

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