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Graphic Comments

Showing latest 3 of 3 comments

Kyaaaa, Way Brothers :D

You are like so good at this (:

By geeriku on Aug 29, 2008 8:19 am

if only my brother was nice like this! haha

By creole on Aug 28, 2008 7:23 pm

...omg. you know what's so weird? i was gonna make an icon out of this. with like this written on it. and then it turned out crap. and i was like. whatever. XD

By LifesLushLips on Aug 28, 2008 5:30 pm

Graphic Details

Designer breathingsleepingscreaming View profile
Submitted on Aug 28, 2008
Page views 600
Favorites 1
Comments 3
Dimensions 100 x 100
Reviewer schizo View profile
Approved on Aug 28, 2008

Graphic Colors
