place the url
to YOUR avatar there ^ .

la feminine fatal

Your avatar/mini profile here.

those who noticed

Friend links here.

the essentials

exits/external places/internal links..


no more than 212px wide.
If you'd like one coded to match, I'd be happy to make a few skins up within this week =]


design by jeni // CB.

change this

write about things that float your boat or things that occasionally sink it, in here. And if you have a tendancy to get see-sick, I apologize for all this water/boat non-sense.

change this

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed cursus urna vitae mi. Ut sem dui, cursus fringilla, gravida non, posuere in, arcu. Suspendisse vestibulum nisi in justo. Vivamus eu sapien. Vivamus elementum nisi egestas lorem. Vivamus pharetra volutpat mi. Nulla facilisi. Sed tortor. Donec suscipit nunc vitae eros. Sed euismod.

change this

Donec est. Curabitur laoreet laoreet enim. Fusce ac dolor. Proin nulla. Duis facilisis viverra ante. Nulla laoreet mollis velit. In eros elit, malesuada sed, ullamcorper sit amet, aliquam id, lectus. Quisque nulla nulla, adipiscing in, rutrum imperdiet, pretium id, risus. Nunc tortor augue, tempor at, accumsan at, suscipit vitae, justo. Duis et mi et diam consequat pretium. Fusce sodales tempus mi. Phasellus eget nibh ut mauris pretium porttitor. Morbi quis ligula viverra mi pharetra consequat. Maecenas sed sem. Aenean blandit urna vel nunc. Praesent a elit ullamcorper elit dapibus pulvinar.