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Okay....I straighten my hair EVERY morning before most gurlz! Well this morning i forgot to turn my straightener off before i when my mom got home it was still on & when i got back from practice she went BALISTIC & now i'm punished : I cant talk to, ride to school with, or SEE my boyfriend for a week.....& i know a week is not a long time but we've been dating 3 years so its not like just a fling...& i think that is WAY unreasonable for forgetting it on ONE day! please tell me wut u feelings wont be hurt if u dont agree with me! happy.gif
couldnt it like burn your house down or something? iono i think i saw it somewhere.. a week is a bit much but eh i dont straughten my hair so i wouldnt know
couldnt it like burn your house down or something? iono i think i saw it somewhere.. a week is a bit much but eh i dont straughten my hair so i wouldnt know

EDIT// sorry for the double post my computer is retarded
Well, I don't think a week is that bad. You've been together for 3 years, so what is one week going to hurt? Do you two go to the same school? If so, how will you mom know if you've seen him at school?
If you go to school with him then you could still talk to him without your mom knowing.
Paradox of Life
QUOTE(bab3egurl8o5 @ Aug 23 2005, 6:23 PM)
If you go to school with him then you could still talk to him without your mom knowing.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Talk to your mom about it. She might be enforcing the rules too strictly on it and it's your responsibility to set her straight before things get out of hand. And yes, my opinion is that that kind of punishment for something so small is unreasonable.
i did that one time, i dindt get punished. i think she overreacted

she should have just let u go a week without straight hair,...haha
it's kind of good and bad. the good side is, you could have set parts of your house on fire, or someone could have touched it on accident (and that freaking hurts, too!)

it's stupid though, because you forgot ONE day. and now you cannot see people. and that's just wack.

so, I can't choose. _unsure.gif
well deng it's just a week.. and if it was a 3 year thing then he'll be able to understand that you can't see him for a week.. just wait 7 days!! gosh.. lol
I kinda agree with your mom sorry! Couldn't it like, burn your house down? lol.. Oh well. Make it through!

Good luck!

Katie blink.gif
I actually think that is a good punishment...

Go to the mall with some friends and tell him to go..?
Or just wait it out..
I'm gonna say that there should be a punishment, [u]but[/i] that is way to harsh for forgetting something. That's the kind of punishment you should be given if for some reason you left it on knowingly, not if it just slipped your mind.
i think that is way too harsh; i mean it cant let your house burn down if you left it standing, i would understand if it was on the carpet or next to paper,plastic, etc. but i think its just sthing she wants you to remember next time-so you wont do again..thats what my mom does-she goes over the board or overeacted to get me to remember not forget
well...the straightener was not near anything that could catch fire in the time i had it on...actually the plates were not touching ANYTHING at all....but it was perfectly stable & would not have fallen either... & i had even offered her to change the punishment by taking away my straightener(i HATE going to school lookin fonky!) & not let me TALK to him OR ride to school with him...but let me see him on saturday...& she refused that. I knew i needed a punishment, but this is harsh.
If you go to school with him then you could still talk to him without your mom knowing

Exactly. Anyway, I don't think the punishment is that bad. It's not like your mom has a tracking device on you.
xx dancing HIPPO
i agree, a week away from your boyfriends not bad. but...
what does your boyfriend and leaving the straightener have in common? couldnt she just take your straightener away from you for a couple of days? that might be a more reasonable punishment.
I don't straigten nor curl my hair. I don't even care about my hair. I don't even WANT to brush it. I always cut it up to my shoulders so it's easy to tie up... But I agree with your mom, you can burn your house down if you leave it on! I thought a perfect punishment would be not to use hair straigtener for a few days but taking time out from a bf is kinda... well... it doesn't have anything to do with a hair straigtener so idk why "no bf's" is a punishment for leaving on something like that...
Well, I think it is a tiny bit unreasnable, but then again, it could have lit something on fire and your house could have burned down...but I mean it's very unlikely that would happen. I think what she's trying to do is punish you enough that you'll be extremely careful not to leave it on again because you're afraid of being punished, sometimes that works for children, but considering this has mroe to do with just forgetting rather than being lazy or rebellious I don't see how a harsh punishment will really help much.

So yes, I think it's a bit unfair, but I mean...can't you just see him at school? huh.gif
Depends in what sense you're saying "unreasonable". I know you're just looking for us to agree with you in that the punishment is wrong, but it isn't really. Punishments generally have to be harsh for the lesson to really set in, and she's trying to get you to remember, because leaving your straightener on could potentially burn down the house. It's not a matter of the fact that it was in a place where it wouldn't have burned anything down, but the fact that you left it on. Sure, you didn't burn down the house this time, but what about next time? or the time afeter that? Also, even if the plates weren't touching anything, after being on for too long, the wires could heat up and possibly cause damage. And like Linda said, it's only a week, you've been together long enough that it's not that big of a deal.

However, the actual punishment itself I don't exactly agree with. I've always believed that disciplinary should be related to the act itself. So if I was your mom, I'd probably punish you with no hair straightening for a month...etc. And go to school can't you? She can't stop you from talking to/seeing your boyfriend ENTIRELY.
^ i agree! you rock!
it's just one can survive right? you can have some alone time now, collect your thoughts and such.
lol you're lucky you don't have strict parents like mine. they'd probably take my hair straightener and throw it out the window. it's okay if you don't see your bf for just a week right? I mean it's only one week and you've been together for A REALLY long time. You'll live ^-^
^ i agree! you rock!

Haha thanks, I'm just sorta interested in this kinda stuff cuz of cadets.

lol you're lucky you don't have strict parents like mine. they'd probably take my hair straightener and throw it out the window.

Haha mine too
I think it's reasonable. You could've started the house on fire which would've made your family live on the streets or with some mean cousins living nearby.

You can survive. It's okay...Now with that punishment, you will always remember turning off the straightener before you leave for school. You can still meet your little boyfriend. So yeah...
Explain it to your boyfriend & he'll undertstand..a true boyfriend won't get mad that he won't be able to hang out wiht you for a whole week.. ermm.gif it'll give you some time to yourself & take a breather from your boyfriend..I mean it's not like you need your boyfriend every moment of the day it'll prove you can last a week w/o him & your proving that he's not your everything..cuz if you make someone your everything..& you lose him you've got nothing..soOo never make somebody your everything..jusst a little tip..yu kno from girl to girl..cuz I made a guy my everything once.. wacko.gif
i agree with your mom. even if you left it right by the sink or something, something nearby could have caught fire. thus: burning down the house. id rather not see my bf for a week than losing everything in your house just because you didnt turn your straightener off.
QUOTE(Se7eN_x @ Aug 24 2005, 7:50 AM)
lol you're lucky you don't have strict parents like mine.  they'd probably take my hair straightener and throw it out the window.  it's okay if you don't see your bf for just a week right?  I mean it's only one week and you've been together for A REALLY long time.  You'll live ^-^

Yup my parents would do that too..

And I think that isn't that bad...
It's only a week, and you would still see him at school..
I came home 4 minutes late from the mall, and my parents took away my computer for a month..So I couldn't communicate with my friends at all..(I'm not allowed to use the phone..It was during summer vacation..)
I think a week is kinda extreme for sumn as such a [small] incident as that...
but if its only seven days...i dnt think its worth fighting back for...jst let it go this time?---
argh, i know how you feel, but it is dangerous to leave a straightener on all day, for one, if it is near towels or sumthing like magasines, it could start a fire, and secondly, someone could touch it, and it is known to give second degree burns, yet all this considered, i think your mom should have just told you not to do it again, IF it was only your first time. cry.gif sorry for your bad luck
hmm. a week isnt that bad... but whenever my cousin does that my aunty just takes her straightner away for a day. but yeah if you & your boyfriend have been together for 3 years then a week shouldent hurt.
I think that's weird, I mean
1. What does your BF have to do with your straightener?
2. Why shoudl she punish you, it was like one time, that's liek punishing you for leavign the lights on in your room all day, it's not even worth punishing you for.
Hmm... I think it sounds pretty reasonable [sorry for not backing you up! but hear me out, kay?], a week isnt as bad, she could've gone longer. Alot longer. Just tell your boyfriend about it at school, if he's worth it, he'll be nice about it =D
i agree with ur mom in the sense that u should be punished.but i dont see why it would have to be not to see your bf..but i dont know it wont be too bad i guess!
1 week. not that bad...
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