winner and runner up each round, as well as current point totals for the entire competition will be kept here

First Round: Book Cover

round one thread

Winner - Mike

Runner-Up - Abbey (IWontRapeYou)

Second Round: T-Shirt Design

round two thread

Winner - Ricky(rickysaurus)

Runner-Up - Rachael (digitalfragrance)

Third Round: Typography

round three thread

Winner - Ricky(rickysaurus)

Runner-Up - Zachy (xzkdxrawrx)

Forth Round: Fragrance Packaging

round four thread

Winner - Mike(Mike)

Runner-Up - Thomas (tcunningham)

Fifth Round: Shoe Design

round 5 results

Winner - Natalie(Tomates)

Runner-Up - Tomas (tcunningham)

Runner-Up - Joseph (jcp)

Current Point Totals:

Mike 20
Ricky 20
Thomas 10
Natalie 10
Joseph 5
Abbey 5
Rachael 5
Zachy 5