I got bored as I was sitting on the train to Times square and I let my imagination get the best of me. Hopefully I'll actually have enough in me to finish this or get a few chapters down.

Summary: A girl by the name of Annalise Freedland is unintentionally changed by Edward Cullen in 1928, a brief period of time when Edward is trying to deal with his new thirst as a vampire. What will happen when Annalise goes off to find Edward in Forks? Dundundun...lol, yeah, that's it.

Enjoy? thumbsup.gif

I turned around to look up at the sun. It was nearly sunset and I knew mother would start to get worked up if I didn't come home with today's earnings soon enough...or if I didn't come home in general. It had taken nearly an hour to get here coming through Hickory road and my stomach turned at the thought of having to walk back again. I quickly scanned the horizon for a possible shortcut and to my luck stood a path surrounded by the woods. Afterall, our home was located by the edge of the woods and it was no doubt that it would lead me back in a shorter time than old Hickory would.

I started down the leafy path, carefully not to trip over any fallen branches. Unfortunately, the sun was already sinking at this point and the light was even more minimal because of the shadowing trees. This did not bother me too badly, as I didn’t mind being surrounded by nature’s beauty one bit. But I knew that I had jinxed things just as soon as I had thought that. I instantly became uneasy. It was as if I was being watched and the silence that the woods echoed back did not help things. A rustle from a bush near by. I spun my head almost too quickly, I was surprised that it did not pop off as I turned to check, only to be brought to nothing. I picked up my pace now and the watcher seemed to itch closer and closer no matter how quickly I walked. I stopped, hoping to find the source of this hysteria and then thought to myself. Did I really want to? I sucked in a breath full of air and balled my fists. Show yourself. I thought in my head, unable to utter even a whisper. But there was no one. No one but myself.

I relaxed. Maybe I was going crazy…I shook my head and then turned to walk. Instead of taking another step, however, I walked right into something very hard.

“Hello.” It said, speaking in a soft mellow voice.

“OH!” I yelped up, falling backwards and staring into the eyes of my approacher.

It was a boy…older than myself by I’d say three or four years but this was no ordinary boy. He was the most handsome looking boy I have ever laid my eyes on and I wondered how I had not seen him around before. A crooked smile curved around the rim of his lips as he looked down at me. He offered a hand.

“My apologies. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He breathed.

“No…no…it’s my fault. I’m sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” I countered as I offered my hand in return.

His fingers wrapped around my hand and a chill ran almost immediately down my spine. His hand was ice cold and smooth…like marble and I questioned how someone could be so cold in such warm weather. He lifted me up with little effort and set me gently on my feet.

“What is a young lady like yourself doing out here in the woods alone?” He asked innocently.

“I…um…was out helping my m-mother.” I managed to say, feeling my heart beat accelerate, though I was not sure whether from fear or awe.

It was as if he had heard the shift in my heart beat and smiled even more.

“How nice of you.” He said casually. “In fact, I’m doing quite the same. I believe you’re Carolina Freedland’s daughter, are you not? My mother is a friend of hers.” He added upon seeing my astonishment.

I felt my cheeks blush pink and could’ve sworn I saw him bite his lip down in pleasure. He leaned closer to me, gazing in to my eyes. It was then I noticed that his eyes were a raven black. Normally, someone with an eye color such as this would’ve had me screaming bloody murder but I could not bring myself to look away…I was mesmorized, an ant fallen in the palm of his hands.

For more: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4758610/1/Sunset