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I LOVE Pepsi but there is a kid in my math class that keeps insisting that Coke is better in my mind he is clearly wrong what do you think would you rather drink a Pepsi or a Coke.
Coke it was way more flavor, but then again they're both the same thing except that Coke seems stronger to me, hence why I enjoy it.
COKE! throb.gif
the original cola. Come on, Pepsi totally ripped off Coke and claimed it as their own. But I have to admit, their commercials are WAY cooler than Coke. Anyhow, its the drink that counts, right?
I can't drink dark soda...
I feel so left out sad.gif
QUOTE(MissFits @ Dec 13 2007, 08:50 AM) *
I can't drink dark soda...
I feel so left out sad.gif

its ok it took me forever to get my mom to get me Pepsi.

"Pepsi cola hits the spot 12 full ounces, thats a lot twice as much for a nickel to Pepsi cola is the drink for you" that is a old slogan for Pepsi it went against Coke too.
Coke, but sometimes I feel like having Pepsi instead. I actually prefer coke in a bottle, but Pepsi in a can.
I like both! But would prefer Coke.
QUOTE(MissFits @ Dec 13 2007, 05:50 AM) *
I can't drink dark soda...
I feel so left out sad.gif


I don't know why, but I never liked Pepsi. Maybe it's because I'm too used to drinking Coke. Anywho, I like Coke better.
I don't like drinking soda a lot but if i do it's usually pepsi.
Unless it's cherry coke. I can make an exception for that.
It's doesn't matter either way now. I use to have a preference for Pepsi when I younger, though.

Is it just me, but does Pepsi go stale quicker?
I haven't had pop in forever... mellow.gif But I prefer original Coke to Pepsi. Pepsi gets too sweet after a few sips.

They both make my teeth feel gritty and kind of eroded(sp?) though _unsure.gif
If it's between just the Coke and the Pepsi, I choose Coke anytime. But if it's between like Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper or Sprite or 7up, it doesn't really matter.
Damn this battle goes way back like God vs. Devil and Cats vs. Dogs.
But yeah I'll side with Coke because imo it's a stronger acid taste with a burst of caffeine.
Hmm. Definitely Pepsi. They have better commercials, and it's just more satisying. But then again, Coke makes Dr. Pepper and Sprite, which I prefer over Mr.Pibb and 7-Up or whatever it's called that Pepsi makes.
Pepsi, but when I'm feeling old school, I get a coke.
If you compare coke and pepsi in a can, they are both nasty to me.

If you compare coke and pepsi in those old fashioned glass bottles, they are pretty much the same.

If you compare coke and pepsi at school, well, it's pepsi because the school doesn't have coke. :]
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