October melted the hearts of the people. It poisoned the children with it's notorious candies; the licorice and candy corn was too much to handle. Teeth rotted and kidneys failed. I watched a mass of thousands perish in a single moment, and I thought to myself...where's the childhood magic now? The faux-vampire to my left informed me that such innocence had perished years ago. Simply faded away, drowned out by the repetitive, apathetic ways of humanity it would seem.

I watched the little witches ride their brooms and sing their songs. The littlest temptress of the bunch was sweet and charming, with only a small hint of evil to her; She offered me a ride into the night sky, but I kindly rejected. What she didn't know was that later her friends would be dancing naked in the forest. They'd be calling forth the devil. Later they'd be ripping open everything pure and bleeding it dry. I didn't have the heart to tell her, or maybe it all seemed a bit too cliche to forewarn. Sounds like growing up to me. Sounds like chocolate teases and late night memories to me.

A shout echoed from somewhere nearby. A spine-tingling shrill of a voice that I would bet had reached every mother and father lying in their beds on that dreadful night.. It took only a few more moments to come to the realization that my lips had been the ones to emit such a ghastly cry. It almost seemed inhumane, but who can define inhumane these days? Red rushed and stained; Ripped open my being and replaced it with something bitterly blank. Darkness? Isn't darkness just a lack of light? I wondered if it was miniature Madonna, or the boy with the Nazi eyes who had brought about my demise? It was probably the jack-o-lantern, or the aforementioned candy corn. Maybe I was bleeding orange?

October drove us all insane. Dressed us up in silks and shades. Trick or Treat. October is a hurt piece.